FWOTW: Dr. Edward DeVries

This week’s pick could best be titled the online resume of a fundamentalist preacher.

Dr. Edward DeVries is the author of 27 books and dozens of published articles. He holds 5 earned college and seminary degrees including a Doctor of Theology degree from Landmark Baptist University in Bristol, Tennessee.”

Worth checking out are the endorsements from everybody from Jack Hyles to Jerry Falwell. His writings include Symbol of Hate? or an Ensign of the Christian Faith? (a defense of the Confederate Flag as a “Christian Symbol that dates back to the old Roman-Celtic Wars”) and FINDING A NEW PASTOR: A Guidebook for Pastor Search Committees.

Fun for the whole family!

Getting Sermons “From God”

If you’ve ever listened to a preacher claim that after hours of fruitless sermon preparation he was supernaturally given three alliterated points and an amusing story about a chinchilla during the final verse of the last hymn before the message…you might have been a fundamentalist.

Although fundamentalists will all claim that the the completion of the Bible ended direct revelation from God, they don’t bat an eye at a pastor who claims that God has divinely inspired his choice of text, interpretation of said text, and all associated illustrations, pontifications, magnifications, and ululations. Evidently, direct revelation isn’t as over as all that.

The job of any preacher undoubtedly to proclaim “thus saith the Lord.”  A preacher who claims to be a cessationist while proclaiming “thus saith the Lord to me right before I got up here this morning” is worth a second glance.  And that’s all the Lord has laid on my heart to say on the matter.

Illustration: Detecting Counterfeits

It’s time now for another widely used illustration from the halls of fundamentalism…

When an aspiring agent of the U.S. Treasury is going to learn how to detect counterfeit money, how do you imagine that they are taught to tell the fake stuff from the real stuff? Do they look at counterfeit bills? Do they learn about color-shifting  inks, watermarks, ultraviolet glows, and fiber quality? Certainly not! Their training consists of one thing and one thing only: endless hours of touching, ogling, and sniffing real money. For if a person knows what the genuine article looks like then they’ll never accept a counterfeit.

With this story the fundamentalist proves once and for all that it’s not necessary to ever study another point of view other than the one held by other like-minded fundamentalists. Indeed studying other religions, sects, or factions could be extremely dangerous and cause evil questioning. Only the very strongest fundies may risk exposing themselves to such ideas and then only for purposes of maligning, mockery, and misquotation.

If your beliefs cannot hold their own in the vast arena of ideas, are they really worth having? Thankfully for fundamentalists, they’ll never have to find out. They’ll be safely hiding from the world, sniffing their money.

A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.