Category Archives: Odds and Ends

A Fundy Free Day

Today I have a gift to give you all. I declare this day, the 8th of September, to be a Fundy Free day. I invite you all to take this day and with it pretend (to the extend that you are able) that fundamentalism and it’s ills and snares simply do not exist. Rise from your place and take a walk. Read a book. Say a prayer. Call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Turn up the radio and sing until your lungs ache.

And if upon this day you are a student or staff member at some fundamentalist institution and cannot very well completely ignore where you are then I would bid you to commit some small random act of disobedience today such as will leave a smile on your face through other days to come. Sneak out. Live free. Breathe a little unregulated air and know that life is still full of good things and freedom waits just around the next corner.

For it’s little good to be free if you spend every day obsessed with peering back into your old cage and rattling the dusty chains you find there. I love you all and I’ll see you again tomorrow.

E-mails From Fundies

Today’s e-mail comes from Jerry Kaiser

Stuff Fundies Like Contact: You guys are a joke!

I am disgusted with you and your website. Any logical thinking person
that reads any drivel you put on your page can clearly see your bias
against fundamentalism. I would welcome a face to face debate with any
of your truth-challenged “contributors”. I am guessing that you could
nor get real jobs with a reputable news reporting agency and you have
fabricated this garbage. You clearly are troubled people.

And yes, his e-mail address is

But that’s not all there is to the story. A quick search shows me that a Jerry Kaiser is the youth pastor of Gospel Light Baptist Church of Walker, Michigan. This is the church of “pastor” Tedd Butler who was recently featured in our news section being brought up on charges of child rape.

If you are, in fact, the same Mr. Kaiser then I marvel at your misplaced sense of moral outrage, sir. Perhaps your disgust should not be with this website but rather with the evil that has been reported in your own midst committed by your own leader. You can feel free to debate me on this point (face to face or otherwise), but I will submit to you that child rape is a much graver crime than poking fun at someone on the Internet.

Friday Challenge: Write A Covenant

Every fundamentalist church worth its salt has a church covenant that lists out in broad terms what is expected of the members. (In case it has been a while you can check out a good example here.

Your challenge for today is to write a fundy church covenant for accuracy. Here’s your shot to tell the truth about how it really works.

Thanks to Natalie for sending along this suggestion for a challenge and even finding the graphic for the post