Tag Archives: pensacola christian college


The collegian president gestured energetically as he talked, his green polo shirt proclaiming his pride in the Pi Zeta Delta Wolverines. David was always energetic. Next year that energy for all things PCC would propel him to be the only African-American residence manager on this majority white campus.

“We’re really close to taking that Christian Service trophy this year!” he shouted, “I don’t want us to come in second place. We’re going to continue our tradition of winning!”

Cheers came from all sides of the crowded class room. I didn’t cheer. I didn’t even look up. As far as I was concerned this was a wasted hour that would be better spent studying or sleeping. But with so little sanctioned entertainment on campus a lot of students really seemed to enjoy the chance to whoop and holler and play games that resulted in someone vomiting up half a liter of warm root beer.

David continued on at full volume. “I want every guy in this room right now to raise their hand and promise to go out on Christian service this week. There are plenty of things to choose from: you can go down witnessing in Seville Square, you can do bible clubs, you can go talk to guys at the Boy’s Base…”

I groaned internally as he went on listing all the various opportunities for spending hours of your weekend out soul-winning. I was already taking eighteen credits of classes and working over twenty hours a week to pay my tuition. Even if I could spare the time, I was not at all impressed with the idea of going on one of these “ministries.” The brags heard in Saturday night hall meeting from the guys who claimed to have had double digits of people gloriously saved told me everything I needed to know about the true nature of these programs. I wanted no part of them.

Up in the front of the room David was wrapping up his plea. “Ok, guys. Raise your hands and make a promise to the Lord that you’re going to go out there and witness and help us win that trophy.”

Hands shot up all over the room. I glanced around and felt a little sick as i realized that I was the lone abstainer. In a few seconds every eye in the room was on me.

“Dow!” said David “What’s the problem, man? Make the promise so we can have 100% comittment!”

I shook my head. No. I wasn’t going to participate in a gospel charade just so he would win a trophy.

“C’mon what’s the matter?” he repeated and now grumbles were echoing from around the room.

“I’m not going to go on Christian service for a trophy or because I’m being forced into it.” I said quietly.

David seemed taken aback. “Oh, we’re not doing it for the trophy,” he said quickly. “We just want to go serve the Lord.”

I just shook my head again. It wasn’t true but there was no point arguing it.

“Oh, wait, you’re in the church choir,” he said smiling triumphantly. “We get Christian service points for that so you’re already covered.”

The angry stares aimed at my head abated and the meeting went on to the important tasks of hazing freshmen and finding somebody stupid enough to drink a glass of water that three other guys had already gargled.

My few friends in the collegian didn’t understand why I didn’t go along with the crowd that day. Peer pressure and public shaming is fine if you use it for good, after all. Two years later when I walked across the stage and received my diploma I still hadn’t been on a single Christian service outing. I hadn’t knocked on the door of a weary Presbyterian, wrangled a prayer out of neighborhood kid, or accosted a drunk on a city street. Strangely enough, I was completely at peace with that. I felt no grief at all.

If you’ve ever wondered where pastors learn their strong-arm techniques for keeping people in line, the training grounds are scenes much like this one. And that is a real shame.

Arlin Horton Resigns as President of PCC

Apparently 38 years of being President of Pensacola Christian College is enough. Today Dr. Arlin Horton officially announced that he is resigning.You can read the official text here.

According to the official release “Dr.” Troy Shoemaker will be the next President. And yes, his doctorate was, in fact, granted by the very unaccredited college he’s about to take over.

Perhaps this change spells better days ahead for my alma mater. I certainly hope so.


Want to really bring the Christmas season to your pagan fertility bush? What better way could there be of telling the message of a poor baby born in a humble manger who will bring peace on earth and goodwill to men than hanging a model of an ostentatious building from your favorite Fundy U?

For a mere sawbuck you too can show everyone the true spirit of the season by reminding everyone that being a Christian at PCC is much more about building the kingdom of Horton than the kingdom of heaven. And don’t just buy one for yourself! I’m sure the missionaries on your Christmas list would love one of these tiny cathedrals as an object lesson for their people in good stewardship and how God blesses the khaki-clad white folk.

I’m going to put one on my tree right next to a tiny replica of a floor leader giving someone demerits for having sideburns that are 1/4 inch too long. Merry Christmas!

Traveling Singing (And Talking!) College Groups: PCC Update

Here’s the Proclaim Team from Pensacola Christian college doing what they do. Anybody who has been through performance classes at PCC will recognize that every gesture, tone, and movement through these performances are completely scripted. There’s not a twitch or a smile that hasn’t been planned and practiced.

then they sang this…

For more goodness from this group you can also check out these videos:

The Potter
I’m Free
A devotional in which we learn that the Sermon on the Mount was given not to demonstrate our position in the Kingdom but rather to help establish moralism and “make us better disciples.”