Arguments Against Alcohol

Promoted from the comments section on the About page because it’s just too good to let languish there

“Mike” says:

We are naturally sinful beings. It DOES mean that we will tend towards the sinful side of anything. Men love darkness rather than light. ALL of our righteousness is as filthy rags! We may say,”I’ll have a drink or two, but I’ll never get drunk.” But the Bible says, if any man thinks that he stands, take heed! lest he fall. And the Bible says that alcohol is not a sutable past time for even kings. And God Almighty is THE King, and we are His children in Christ, therefore we are literally royalty. We are heirs! Alcohol is not appropriate for us. The Bible says that he that drinks alcohol is not wise, that he is a fool. The same word found here for fool is the same word found when it says, “The FOOL hath said in his heart, there is no God.” If the Scriptures relate a foolish person who consumes alcohol as the equivalent of the fool who denies God and will perish in Hell for eternity, then God obviously is not fond of alcohol.

That’s beautiful. Anything I could add would be superfluous.

205 thoughts on “Arguments Against Alcohol”

  1. Eh. See, I am personally against drinking, but it’s just that–a personal decision. *I* believe that *I* shouldn’t drink. And it is my *personal* opinion that even casual drinking is not an optimal thing to have in a person’s life.

    You’ll notice, however, that I was careful to emphasize that this is *my* opinion only. With the possible exception of a constant state of excessive drunkenness (in other words, an addiction to/abuse of alcohol) or doing wrong things while drunk, I wouldn’t even say it was a sin. Inadvisable, perhaps, but certainly not sinful.

    Although it should be pointed out for the record that wine in Jesus’ time was technically much diluted from what we have today. Still does have alcohol content, though!

    1. Of course, it was the opinion of the Lord Jesus that drinking wine is good. I mean, He MADE wine for a wedding party. So you’re right. It’s not a sin. It’s also not inadvisable, not in light of Christ’s endorsement of wine. Intemperance is what is inadvisable.

  2. I sipped some mulled wine for the first time a few nights ago. Can’t say I like wine. 😐 The situation was that I had joined a group from our village to hear Handel’s Messiah at the Ripon Cathedral. One couple had refreshments at their home afterward including mince pies (lovely!) and mulled wine. My dilemma regarded my “testimony”. Would I ruin it by partaking? Or would declining and saying “I don’t drink” be offensive? I still can’t answer that question, but I feel that I did the right thing. My impression was that these good people were not “drinking”; they were enjoying a Christmas treat/tradition. No one drank more than two glasses and no one was the least bit tipsy. If I had had two glasses myself they would not have thought twice about it, I’m sure, because culturaly for them it’s a vary normal thing. As it was, I probably managed about a dozen tiny sips through the course of an hour and the last few were after the wine had cooled. It was better hot. I was the only one who saw any potential hazard there. I think I stood more of a chance of hurting my testimony in my own eyes through ingrained guilt. I don’t feel the least bit guilty by the action I took. So, am I backslidden and have I seared my conscience?

    1. Now that you’ve had time to mull it over, what do you think. 😆

      So far as hurting your testimony by drinking in such a situation – non-Christians will see you as a normal and rational human being rather than as religious kook. People tend to avoid religious kooks, but are open to conversations with normal, rational folks. Which do you think is a better testimony?

      As long as you don’t state (or imply) that not drinking makes you a better person than your host, your host is not likely to be offended should you decline. And nobody is going to take you for a religious kook.

      Really, it’s more about what’s in your heart than your actual behavior.

  3. What about Psalm 104:14-15?

    He makes grass grow for the cattle,
    and plants for people to cultivate—
    bringing forth food from the earth:
    wine that gladdens human hearts,
    oil to make their faces shine,
    and bread that sustains their hearts.

    That says that God makes wine that gladdens the huiman heart. Is that why fundys are so unhappy? Methinks so.

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