Answering Their Critics: Jack Schaap Responds to 20/20

Schapp responds to the 20/20 story with typical graciousness…

Note: since the original video was removed due to copyright claim, this is a re-upload by yours truly

Note2: Now Hammond has launched a copyright claim against my videos on two different hosts even though they are clearly fair use. Stand by…

(I know I just did a Schaap video today but this is hot off the press so I wanted to get it up now instead of waiting)

298 thoughts on “Answering Their Critics: Jack Schaap Responds to 20/20”

  1. Wow, just wow. This guy is a textbook case of everything that is wrong with patriarchy and everything that post-Christian feminists find wrong with traditional Christianity.
    Blaming Eve for the fall: Check
    Emphasizing the male authorship of Scripture: Check
    Emphasizing the maleness of the Saviour: Check
    Yup, he’s patriarchal alright.
    (Also, I spell “Saviour” with a “u” because I’m Canadian. No KJV Onlyism ought to be read into that :wink:)

  2. Is that all he had to say about the scandal? Did he have nothing to say about the sex abuse?

    Silly me, of course he didn’t. He just attacked as a Pavlovian response.

  3. I had my non-fundy husband watch the clip. He just looked at me like “What the heck was that?” πŸ˜†

    I told him Schaap is married to Jack Hyles’ daughter.

    “Who is Jack Hyles?”


  4. So Jack, how would you punish a member of your staff who raped a teenage girl? It appears you would handle it the same way Chuck Phelps did.
    In my naïve fundie daze, I assume the church would be just and fair, that the same punishments and rewards were applied evenly. But as became a teen, I noticed students at my fundie school and church who were popular, attractive, or well connected had a different set of rules. I once got a demerit and detention for throwing a paper airplane at a Christmas party. On my senior class trip, our class president, vice president, treasury and their dates stay out past curfew. They were found at 3am at the nightclub. Were they punished? No. All they did was get in front of the class, cry and tell us how bad they felt for letting the Lord down. I believe they stay out pass curfew because they know they were above the law.
    Even the bible god has a different standard for his chosen people and their leaders. Moses commits a murder and never received the death penalty. But he has no problem executing a man for collecting firewood on the Sabbath. King David appears to break all 10 Commandments yet dies of old age. Conservative Christian leaders like Abraham Vereide have noticed this and have incorporated it into their form of right-wing Christian theology.

    1. well said, Mark. King David is always referenced during any adultery scandal within church leadership. Always. That God for secularism.

      1. so, I completely understand where you guys are coming from. But God knows the hearts of people. And he judges based on that, we only see the outward actions. So yes King David lived long, but that was because he confessed his sin to God and his heart was truly changed. No one can live a perfect life. But God can forgive our imperfections if we TRULY confess.

        1. Also, side note, Fundies are not a complete an perfect representation of all chrisitans. Just as egotisitcal baptists are not a representation of every baptist. They are just people who dont have thier heads screwed on straight.

        2. Michelle,
          I guess all I was saying is that I am grateful for so called “secularism” and I mean that. Our justice system although not perfect is a gift from god, and I’m glad to be under it and under the laws of religious men.

        3. But god did not punish David the same way he punished other people for lesser crimes.
          Would you let Osama Bin Laden walk if he just confessed his sins?

        4. David lived long and prospered because God let him, not because he truly confessed. That’s a little bit of mysticism. People who repent from their sin can still die young.

    1. As a woman I could NEVER, NEVER sit and listen to this man. How totally arrogant, abusive and disrespectful he is. My heart goes out to his wife/children and the woman in his church. How can God let him prosper???

      1. I agree with you. And I too am baffled at his huge church and all the reverence people give him. All I can do is read Ps. 73 and trust God.

        1. That is just it though…he is just a man. The reverance should go to our great God who is ALL the more deserving. They should respect the office of pastor but as far as reverance that ONLY should go to God. I know what you meant though. πŸ™‚ I don’t want to sound arrogant…I am just a little upset by this video.

      2. Arrogant was overwhelmingly the word that came to mind as I watched that. I can’t stand that character trait in anyone – and a pastor should be the furthest thing from arrogant possible.

  5. Other things to worry about “Heaven, Hell, life, death”
    ….and that’s about it. Like all religious fundamentalism, IFB are religious nihilists. Suicide of the will.

    1. Yes.

      “Surrender your will.” “Give up your control.” “Die to your desires.”

      What in the world do these things mean in real life?

      1. Tony Mel asks:
        Ò€œSurrender your will.Ò€ Ò€œGive up your control.Ò€ Ò€œDie to your desires.Ò€

        What in the world do these things mean in real life?


        It means let Schaap be the cult leader his gid has called him to be.

  6. Exactly, he has a “god-complex”. In his rant he says that God is a man, the scripture writers are men, Jesus who died on the cross is a man, and I (jack) am the man God has sent to pastor this church. He is putting himself on an equal plane.

    He also tell the “wise” older women they can teach what they’ve heard from the pastor, not the scriptures. As far as I can tell he doesn’t really use the scripture when he preaches so woman are only to teach what they’ve learned from him.

    I shouldn’t listen to these clips — it just makes me so frustrated for all those woman in fundamentalist bondage.

    1. This definitely went to the wrong place was supposed to reply to Big Gary waaay back on the first page. I thought George would be kind to me since I don’t often post. πŸ™„

  7. Gosh, for such a big man, that bible he’s wagging around is awfully…..small…..

  8. You know, he could have saved himself and everyone else a lot of time by simply saying that he’s a Douchebag.

    That’s what his sermon pretty much said.

      1. I moved a bunch of my butt cushions down to the bottom of the comments and saved the space!

      1. No biggie, I was just wondering if this meant that I now had a God-complex. πŸ˜‰

    1. Excellent summary, Natalie.

      My heart hurt for all the ladies in the audience that had to sit through that and nod and conform their minds to it another time. Ugh.

  9. It saddens me that this is the kind of response he felt compelled to provide. This kind of reply is what hurts the cause of Christ, not women sharing their pain on 20/20. All this did was to reinforce what was said in the broadcast. ::Sigh::

    1. It was a sad, poor reflection on on what modern day Christianity is all about. I was disbelief when I listed to the video. That a “man of God” would speak of woman in the disrespectful, abusive, condescending way is beyond me. Who in their right would go to his church??????????

    2. I agree. So unfortunate that he further the cause of Christians looking like idiots. He doesn’t listen to women? Did he skip Ruth and Esther in the Bible? *shaking my head in sadness*

  10. The screwed up replies are God’s judgment for criticizing a true Man of God.

    //pauses to clean up his own vomit after uttering that phrase.

  11. Sometimes I would like to defend what I used to believe and why, after listening to that its impossible.

  12. Every time I hear Jack Schaap speak, I have the uncontrollable urge to say, in Cameron’s imitation grown-up “man” voice on “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”–“Pardon my French, but you’re as a**hole!”

  13. disappointed, to say the least. This is NOT what God would have a witness for Him say. Truly sad by this response. 😳

    1. This is absolutely outrageous. That this man can get behind a pulpit and misuse his position in this way is just sickening. Every woman sitting there should have gotten up and walked out. I would never allow my daughters to be subjected to a man as abusive as this.

  14. I can just feel the humility coming in waves through the monitor! What eloquence! What indisputable understanding of the Word of God! What piety! What devotion to Truth! The Devil must be so proud of his protege.

    1. Unlike Schaap, we are not misusing the Word of God to attract people to ourselves and subject them to our will.

      1. Right. I’m not telling anybody what to do except not to mistreat or harm others or themselves.

  15. All this arrogance comes off as a scared little boy. Why reassure everyone he doesn’t get rattled he sleeps fine? Either he really is insecure or his conscience is seared and he doesn’t care that his behavior is an embarrassment to Christianity. I’m just not quite sure which one.
    One thing I am sure about he enjoys listen to people shout affirmations while he speaks.
    I haven’t been back to FBCH since I left HAC in ’98. I do not regret a day away from there.

  16. Has anyone on here have any Bibile proving Jack Schaap is wrong, or is just your opinion?

    1. Seriously? Ok, but keep in mind this isn’t comprehensive.

      Ephesians 5:21. Everyone submits to everyone else. Even Jack Schaap is called to submit (or be held accountable) to other believers. The passage goes on to give examples of submission from wives to husbands as well!

      Ephesians 5:25. So unless Jesus loved the church by doing what you saw in this video, than I got a hard time believing that this is how we should treat our wives or women in general. In fact if this is how you treat women I would be surprised if you ever did get a wife.

      Galatians 3:28. We are all one in Christ. Equal before God. The Pastor does not somehow outrank the layman or…er…laywoman? Whatever.

      Then there are just general principles like oh, The Fruits of the Spirit. Do you see Love, Joy, Peace or any of those when watching this video or see it in how he treats women? How about Humility, or even the remotest indication of submission on Schaap’s part? How about the Gospel, anything about Jesus or salvation or anything along those lines? Schaap said in the clip he was glad 20/20 showed him because they showed the Gospel. Really? Telling women to watch their weight or their husbands might cheat is the Gospel?

      Tim, there are so many reasons just from The Bible or principles from the Bible that Schaap cannot be honest when he says he is just doing what the Bible says. Ask yourself do two verses and a 40 minute rant count as preaching? I used to think so. Ask if he is getting anything he says from Scripture or if he is putting things into Scripture to make it say something completely different than what it was intended to say.

      1. First of all he did not say the gospel he said, “If someone is quoting me while I quote the Bible praise the Lord God’s word is getting out.” A preacher has more responsibility than just the gospel while preaching, although the gospel is the most important. God is not interested in people just getting saved he wants people to live for him and do his will. The Great commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
        Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” You will notice our job is to 1. Teach all nations 2. Baptize them and 3. Teach them to observe ALL THINGS whatsoever I have commanded you. Wives being in submission to thier husbands and husbands being the head of the wife is part of all things. Women are not to teach or usurp authority over a man. (1 Timothy 2:12) So your problem is with God not Jack Schaap.

        1. “…So your problem is with God not Jack Schaap.”

          Typical cowardly fundy statement. Go run and hide behind the bible or God after throwing some “love bombs” our way.

        2. Sweetie-sugar, you just don’t get it.

          The problem with Schaap’s sermons about women isn’t the Bible. Its his arrogant, I’m-better-than-women approach.

          It’s his attitude toward women. His lack of compassion. His lack of meekness and humility (as taught in the Beattitudes… which apply to both women AND men)

          The fact that he refuses to get his theology from a woman is wrong and stupid. That means, that he outright refuses to learn anything from a woman. I’m sorry, but women ministered in the Bible and taught people things… men included. To refuse to learn something… from anyone… is truly, TRULY stupid. I’m of the belief for myself that the day that I stop being a student, is the day that I hope God takes me home.

          And, I also hate to correct Mr. Schaap on this, but God told ADAM not to eat of the fruit… not Eve. It was Adam’s responsibility to tell Eve. Eve brought the fruit to Adam, and instead of Adam saying, “Hey, we’re not allowed to do that”. He ate the fruit.

          I was taught my whole life that women weren’t as important as men. That’s simply not the case.

          If that were so, why are we, as women, granted the ability to bear life. I say that’s pretty damn important.

        3. And just for you, here’s the verse where God commanded Adam not to eat of the fruit. I even looked it up in KJV for you.

          “16And the LORD God commanded THE MAN, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

          17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”

        4. Well done Natalie! I love it when women use Scripture to correct the chauvinists! It makes me smile!

        5. And, PLEASE let me clarify something before I get jumped on.

          I wasn’t saying or implying that Eve didn’t sin. She did. It was obvious that in Chapter 3 that she knew about God’s command.

          My point was… when she brought the fruit to Adam, he did not say, “Hey, we can’t do this.” He ate the fruit, hence, they BOTH sinned.

          It would be like me bringing to you an illegal narcotic and saying, “Hey, this dude down the road told me that this is okay to smoke and its REALLY good.” Hopefully, you would say to me, “Natalie, are you crazy? I’m not getting a record because some guy told you it was okay.” Now, regardless of whether or not I believed the guy, its still illegal and I’d be breaking the law. And, anyone who smoked it, would to.

          My point was, Schaap makes it sound like that the woman was solely or more to blame for the Fall of Man. Adam was told DIRECTLY by God not to eat of the fruit and he did anyway.

          They BOTH sinned. Man, too.

        6. Schaap was not quoting the Bible. Not in the sound bites on “20/20,” and not in the sermon here. He was just spewing his hatred of women and his idolatry of himself.

        7. To build on Natalie’s excellent responses to Tim, imagine if instead of speaking about men and women, Schaap were speaking about two different races. What if he said, “God is white, Jesus was white, I am white. Thank God I’m white! I’ll never learn doctrine from a black person!”

          Why in fundie circles (not to mention pop culture) is it okay to demean either gender, often women, in ways that (many of us would consider) to be overtly racist if those same differences were attributed to race?

          Okay, I know. I know. As a former fundie, I know the textbook answer. But still, I think it’s a point that even non-fundies often miss.

          (Hoping this comment will appear in the right place. BTW, lurker-turned-first-time-poster here, not to be confused with the other Naomi who posts here.)

        8. Tim, I, too, believe in women submitting to their husbands. The real question is, how do you think this applies to us here, today? How do you interpret what “submitting” is supposed to mean? I look at Jesus to see what that means. He treated all women with tremendous courtesy and respect. Jewish men in His day used to pray each day that they were thankful for not being born as a dog, a woman, or a Gentile–great attitude, huh? On the other hand, Jesus had female disciples like Mary, who sat at His feet, being taught just as men were, which was pretty shocking in its day. He spoke to the woman at the well in a loving way when most men, especially Jewish men, would never have come near her. He appeared to women first after the resurrection. Most importantly, He died for them. Is there anything in Schapp’s statements here that remind you of how Jesus treated women? Anything at all?

          I’d also like to remind you that in the Bible, submission is always a voluntary thing, something that someone does because they want to do it, not because they are beaten into it. It’s a loving act.

          Please show me one time in the Bible where Jesus said, “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I learn something from one of *them*!” Rather, the God of the Bible says, “Come, let us reason together.” Jesus could have asserted His authority many times, but He didn’t do things that way. He urged people to follow Him, and then He turned around and served those same people. I’d like to see Schaap turn around and voluntarily serve any of the women in his congregation. Maybe a little foot-washing would do him some good.

        9. And, another thing these guys don’t get is that God didn’t advise women to be submissive to MEN. He said to be submissive to her HUSBAND.

        10. Grace, I believe that its up to the couple, and how they want their relationship to go. HF says he NEVER wants me to submit to him. Period. I am his equal, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He says if he’s being an ass, that I need to tell him. And, when I’m being …a bitch, he can tell me… and I promised him the swelling WOULD go down. πŸ˜‰

        11. @grace2live, beautifully expressed!

          @Natalie, that is an important point that the Scripture passage refers to a husband and wife, not all women to every single man.

    2. Has anyone noticed Romans 16:7?
      “Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.”
      Junia is a female Latin name. Here is proof that a woman was an APOSTLE! This is quoted from the KJV as well, not one of those “liberal” Bibles.

      1. Has anyone noticed Romans 16:7?
        Ò€œSalute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.Ò€
        Junia is a female Latin name. Here is proof that a woman was an APOSTLE! This is quoted from the KJV as well, not one of those Ò€œliberalÒ€ Bibles.

        Also, Jesus revealed His resurrected self FIRST to women – This made them the first to testify of His resurrection…which they did TO the apostles.

        Jesus treated women far better than Schaap does.

    3. Tim asks, “Has anyone on here have any Bibile proving Jack Schaap is wrong, or is just your opinion?”

      I don’t have all day…and outlining all of Schaap’s biblical errors could take a whole lot of time.

      For starters, where does the Bible authorize a pastor to say he would slap a grandmother? Nowhere, of course. We are to teach truth in love. This love thing is entirely lost on Schaap.

      His book, The Divine Intimacy is nothing short of a sick heresy. He likens our relationship with Christ to a sexual act. He even applied sexual meanings to nonsexual words. This revealed a truly warped mind.

      No one…no one is allowed to disagree with him. He sets himself up as a pope, which is one reason why Protestants broke away from the Catholic church. He only gives lipservice to the Baptist distinctives of Priesthood of the Believer and Individual Soul Liberty…and for that he should take the name “Baptist” off his church sign.

  17. Schaap always seems to have a bunch of sleepy-looking men sitting behind him when he preaches. What are they being punished for?

    1. I’ve never understood why you have important people stay seated on stage for a sermon either. PCC die it, although they were kind of off to the side. I’m sure there’s some symbology behind, but I never knew what it was other than to like lend credence & authority maybe?

  18. Oh, come on, Darrell, admit it. You wanted to be on the same video clip with Jack Schaap, because you secretly have a man crush on him.

    No?… You sure? Because it would make some GREAT gossip.


    1. Not as good as Jack Schaap having a crush on Darrell.

      (I have no evidence at all to back that up, but as long as we’re starting rumors, let’s start a good one.)

      1. I’d never heard his name pronounced. I always said it in my head so it would rhyme with “slap” (the same “a” sound in “Jack”). To hear it pronounced “shop” surprised me.

        1. I think it’s more like scop, not shop. Was surprised myself the first time I heard it pronounced.

        2. I always assumed it was pronounced “shap” (like sh in short and ap in slap), but in his church’s very edifying video about its marriage retreat, several of his slaves pronounced the name “skop” (sk as in skate, op as in chop), so I assume that’s the pronuciation he prefers.

        3. @RobM, we’ll have to get Darrell to improve his diction! (BTW, do you like how I’m deflecting my inability to hear correctly onto Darrell? I’m taking notes from how the fundies are handling the Tina Anderson situation.)

          @Big Gary, yeah, that’s how I pronounced it too. Funny thing is, on the marriage retreat video, I thought they were talking about “Scott” and I wondered who that was since I thought that was a Hammond event! Now the mystery is solved.

  19. FBCH pulling the video from Youtube inspired me to listen to it again (funny how that works, isn’t it?).

    It seems highly unlikely that Schaap really had the conversation with a “20/20” investigator that he claims to be quoting word-for-word in this sermon. Because if he had really given such sensationally offensive sound bites to the show, why wouldn’t they have used them? ABC isn’t exactly reluctant to use material that would be sure to boost a show’s ratings. They don’t pick the most boring thing you say to broadcast and ignore the most controversial thing you say.

    I can easily believe that he had some conversation with someone from “20/20.” I just don’t think he said what he says he said to the TV people. It’s easy to talk big and strut around and crow like a cock of the walk later, when he’s in his own fiefdom, where no one would dare contradict him or challenge him.

  20. I’m going to vent before i watch since I put this video on my fb. That makes me kind of mad, though I know i should not be surprised. I was wondering why they had not with all the videos of him on there already.

  21. Jack said, “I’m trying to represent God accurately, and may I say you are doing a really miserably poor job of it Jack.

  22. Jack said “Do you know what they are going to say about you? Pffffft! Who Cares….

    Wellll, I guess you do Jack.

    Otherwise you would have been willing to let stand what you said. So which is it Jack, do you speak your convictions and stand behind the words you use or did you mispeak and not have the integrity to admit you are mistaken? I mean after all you ARE trying to accurately represent God aren’t you?

  23. Well The First Baptist Church of Hammond has a lot of work to do if it hopes to get rid of all the videos on YouTube of Jack Schaap. Big Gary brought up an intersting point that this story could be apocryful(I don’t know/rember how to spell it), so that could be the motivation since it could be proven false. Another is that it could be used against him in a follow up of 20/20. I really would not worry about these ones we’ve seen on 20/20 or this one Darrell reposted. What I would worry about is the one where he says he would slap a grandmother who undermined the rules of a dad against pre-marital kissing and others. That video airs on the news and he’s in some pretty hot water.

  24. Wow i just went to FBCH website. To watch services live you have to be a regestered member. Whether of the site or of the church I do not know. I wonder if one of the members of the site taped it and put it on YT.

    1. Tim posted, “Disgusting.”


      Yes. Jack Schaap’s sermons/screamfests usually are.

  25. I just sent this to Saturday Night Live. It would be great if they were to use this as material (it’s so absurd that it’s comical).

  26. I guess that “Fair Use” doesn’t mean what it is we think is means. Some are more fair than others.

    Is there someone we can appeal to as consumers of your commentary?

  27. Wait, isn’t one of the “supposed reasons” for KJV-onlyism a lack of copyright (unless if you talk about British copyright). Therefore, we should apply the same logic to Schaap when his words become copyrighted.

    1. I like your song. “I didn’t die for this, stop taking my name in vain.”
      That says it.

  28. In these Last Days and Endtimes what we are witnessing here through all these expose’s and revelations and the responses to them from so-called prominent spiritual leaderships I believe is evidence that apostasy from true Biblical faith is proliferating at an expoential rate. As I watch the sort of video sermons from these so-called IFB leaders , I am struck by the similarity of the IFB to Islamic Jihadists and Islamic Jihadism itself. Especially as they both define and manifest treatment of their female members. The “spin” in response to criticism is absolutely no different and borders on socialogical and psychological replication, with both “religions” responses claiming divine authority and an equal connection to God/Allah or vice-versa. Claiming godliness but denying the true power thereof found in Jesus of Nazareth our Savior & Lord Jesus Christ which is unconditional and uncompromising Love for all regardless of status,race,gender,and postion. The IFB are clearly the “Christian Jihadists” of the 21st Century who demean women, pervert the Scriptures, justify their sin ,and engage in Jihad-“Holy War” against any and all who dare to question them, criticize them,and otherwise disagree with them. I always thought apostacy would arise in the Last Days and Endtimes from the liberal-theological spectrum of the so-called One-World Church and the New Age and New World Order until I recognized it actually ascends throughout the culture from those who claim spiritual authority and equality with God. I’m so glad I am *not* a IFB advocate and simply a follower of Jesus Christ. I cannot believe I spent almost 20 years of my life immersed within the IFB Movement. For those struggling with trying to comprehend and understand the IFB Cultists and IFB Jihadists I would recommend three Books- The Wizard of God, Fundamental Seduction, and Toxic Faith. All three give some rather insightful overviews into the IFB Jihadist Cult.

  29. Look, Jack Schaap and FBCH does not speak for or represent IFB’s. I am an IFB. We, at our church, do not tolerate immorality among staff members. We do not believe ANYTHING that comes out of Hammond. That place is nothing but a cult. Jack Hyles, their diety, claimed to be a “bible-believer;” yet, he covered up his own and his son’s immorality among other things. In over 75% of his sermons he said these words in the first 15 minutes of his hour long exegesis: “Now, close your bibles and look up here!” Bible-believer….? I don’t think so.

    Finally, I hear how God did not “punish” David the same as others. Garbage. His son DIED because God killed him for the sin David committed. David was eaten by desease from the inside out (probably syphyllis) which he attributed to “mine iniquity.” David’s son Absalom killed his brother Amnon for raping his sister Tamar and then, despising his father the king, rebelled against him and raped all of his wives in front of the entire nation. All of these indignities and heartbreaks happenned to David because of his sin. Do you suppose he would rather have died than suffer all of these things? Only Fathers can answer this question!

    1. Nothing personal, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, but IFB as a whole is being (or more likely has been) overrun by the insane asylum.

      Jack Schaap being on out of the galaxy doesn’t make PCC/BJU/etc off the planet nonsense acceptable.

  30. It sounds like Jack could use some theology from the God-fearing, loving women who’ve helped mold me into the preacher I am today.

    Or he needs a whack against the head. Either way. ^_~

    1. Not Vimeo, Viddler, Thats two so far. There is definitely FBCH members watching this sight because the videos are being deleted as they are being posted.

    2. Video Bam time! IDK why that last hosting site bothered to have a way to categorize it as fair use commentary, if they weren’t going to respect that when a claim was made. Amusing to watch FBCH just keep monitoring & filing bogus reports. ATTN FBCH staff, lying to video hosting services about having a copyright is still a sin!

  31. I have long maintained that when Christianity goes sour, it curdles into something resembling Islam.

  32. This guy is out of his mind…100% true! And for those who dont know what organic connection means it means a physical connection…like a fellowship. obviously everyone is focusing on the F of IFB and not the I…it stands for Independant…as in not all those who would call themselves independant baptists associate themselves with the likes of Jack Schaap. sadly everyone is adopting the idea of unity at all cost instead of truth at all cost. perhaps the “IFB” needs a purging…a purifying. the logic in 20/20 was horrible and they didnt get their facts straight. im not defending a man or movement but i will defend the truth. ok 20/20 and those who have chucked true biblical fundamentalism we have a lot of americans that say and do wicked things..alot of them in the governmont! do we totally dissassociate ourselves from the USA? and where are the documentaries on them? fundamentalism has taken a turn for the worse thanks to guys like Jack Schaap and Matt Olsen…however i am still a Bible Believing Independant Baptist holding firm to God’s Word and following Christ…whatever happened to the doctrine of biblical seperation?

  33. Kudos to you for getting this out there. I find it amusing that he is running around like a scared little child and getting anything and everything pulled off the net. A real man would stand by his words, schaap flees from his. Why is that? He knows what he is serving up is trash.

    I sat under Jack, went to HB, even worked in the bus “ministry” until we realized what a crock that was. I had the misfortune of sitting under some of schaap’s early day sermons. I’ll spare you the rest. Thank God that we got out of that cult. Hyle’s was bad…schaap is down right scary. He’s a crazy SOB.

  34. Does he not remember how he came into this world? Ya jack ass- you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for a woman!! oh how I wish I could meet him face to face!

  35. The video is back on YouTube. On a bunch of different channels. The video may end up spreading more than if they had just left it alone.

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