For this week’s Friday Challenge I’d like to invite you to visit the online Church Sign Maker and put together your favorite fundy church sign either from real signs you’ve seen or ones you’ve imagined.
You can either post them in the comments section or e-mail them to to have them posted here.
From James…
From Philip. “Sadly, this sign is not a parody… My pastor occasionally brings this up as a true example of why he hates the church signs that have movable letters.”
From Tom: “This wasn’t made with the Church Sign Generator, but was an actual sign I spotted out in rural South Carolina…”
In my town, a sign like that would probably be banned. We like our pornography indoors, where it belongs. 😉
How will you spend eternity – Smoking or Non-smoking?
Actually, they’re both “Smoking”. The choice is Incense or Brimstone.
Another from James, shamelessly stolen from
From Paul
Wow, the one from Tom reveals quite a lot about the church. Sad.
From Justin: “This one was actually on our church sign a few years ago and received the most comments ever:”
He made Madam and Eve.
From Brandon:
Sadly, the first line of this was taught to me by my Bible teacher in high school.
Does the Bible say Jesus ever went to the toilet?
From Lizzy:
So if I’m Presbyterian and amil, does that mean I’m doubly welcome? Too bad I’m lacking on creativity at the moment, or I’d come up with a sign of my own.
From Davey and Justin in Greenville SC
I am pretty sure this was fake, but really funny. A while back I found a “Church Sign War” between a Presbyterian Church and a Catholic Church…

What I would love to see is a Fundy church get into a sign war with someone, even if it was fake too…
From Aime:
From Amazing Grace Baptist Church a few posts up.
Aime’s is hilarious! Haha!
Now that was funy
I once saw one that said “Don’t give up, Moses was once a basket-case, too!”
I don’t want to think about how many christians actually believe this 🙁 (not just Fundies)