Due to some pressing personal things I need to focus on, I’ll be spending a couple days away from SFL. Feel free to amuse yourselves on the forums until I return.
237 thoughts on “Off for a Bit. Back Soon.”
I think it’s nice that Darrell is only off for a bit. I for one sometimes feel that I am off COMPLETELY, and rumor has it that both Sims and I may be off our rockers.
So, incompletely off your rocker??
Yes, that is it, exactly. Like, sort of slipped sideways. 😉
Not a rumor. Verifiably undeniable.
Sadly, yes. I was just trying to give us the benefit of the doubt, but we may as well fess up. Which in itself, at least proves that we are EX-fundies. Fundies never fess up. 😀
Hope he has a good time.
I just hope that you are actually fishing and not going door to door. 😉
LOVE this! 😆
“I will make you FISHERS of MEN, FISHERS of MEN, FISHERS of MEN. I will make you FISHERS of MEN if you FOLLOWWWWWW MEEEEEE.” (That was an old song from the olden days. I hope you all recognized it and appreciated my computer singing skills. 😀
You just initiated a dreadful case of the D.T.’s in me, and I do not even DRINK!!!! AAAAAAGGHHHHHH….. 😛
I was trying NOT to remember songs like that….
Thanks a lot!
Somewhere in outer space
God has prepared a place…
I hear that the Witness Stick makes a good fishing rod… 🙂
See you soon. Have a good fishing trip. Wear plenty of sunscreen and never, ever eat a fishing worm, even if some dares you to. You will never live that down. Trust me.
Now I will have a chance to catch up on previous posts.
Thank you and please pray for my family and our ministry.
Justin, that was the most alliterated blog post I’ve ever read. I’m sure that Pope Massengale would be displeased with you being on this site. Amen? I went to Pee-View for a while. Thank God and his Grace that I escaped.
Ah silly Justin. Your timing couldn’t be worse. Darrell has taken a break and we find ourselves with little to do when you come along. It seems like you’re either trying to make yourself a martyr and glean sermon illustrations or drive traffic to your blog. Either way, we’ve heard every word you’d ever say to us. We’ve heard everything you know, contemplated it, and left that world. (And to varying degrees we’ve all been attacked by your people because of it) Don’t think you can bring anything new to the table. You’re probably not a bad guy, but you’re still not willing to question the system you’re so grieved that we’re attacking. 🙄
So you won’t participate here, but you want us to go read your blog. Here, I’ll sum up for folks: on that blog you tell us how the warriors and prophets of old behaved and acted as if you were there with firsthand knowledge, and condemn anyone that doesn’t preach the way you think they should preach. In fact, your whole post is one long condemnation of everyone that doesn’t conform to your ideas. For all the folks at SFL, it adds up to same circus, different clowns.
Soooo, you posted that you don’t want to post anymore? Isn’t that like going to someone’s house, walking in, and saying, “I am not coming here anymore.” Why didn’t you just not post, and then your not posting would have been fulfilled?
Funny thing is, I don’t even remember your ever posting here before (at least not regularly), so what difference did this even make? 😕
Joe – He commented on yesterday’s post. He’s not one of the “crazy” IFBers.
Check out his blog and listen to one of his messages if you feel like getting YELLED at.
Ok, I feel so sad that I missed that one. God knows that those “not-crazy IFBer’s” are soooo much better. 🙄
Your blog has nothing to do with Christianity.
And that about sums it up…
Observe the narcissist in his natural habitat. Not content to allow others to go on their way when he’s done talking, he must inform us that he’s done talking. That way, if we don’t see him post for a while, we’ll know it’s because HE SAID he’s not posting. Because, of course, all of us will be eagerly watching the board for another post by the Evangelist Justin Cox….
I, for one, will feel the emptiness of one unfulfilled each morning as I eagerly peruse and then frantically search for the comments from Evangelist Justin Cox and find none. Ohhh the aching of my poor mortal soul. Alas, poor me,I will abandon my efforts and find chocolate to soothe my troubled soul.
So much win
Agreed on so much win! But, don’t restrict your chocolate satisfaction to Justin!!! There is ALWAYS a GREAT reason for chocolate! 😉
I hate it when people give hints/teases about something then tell you to go read their blog. Yes, it will increase your traffic, but no I won’t do it.
I’ll admit. I fell to temptation and responded to his blog. Would love to hear your thoughts on my comment and his blog post. I tried to be gracious in my comment although that’s not how I felt 🙂 After leaving IFB after 20 years, I’m through with the spiritual abuse of being shouted at.
Good job Mark. I’m sure he’ll pray for you to see the error of your ways.
Apparently he’s not one for discussion. He removed my comment, which I felt was very respectful to him. I only questioned his belief that there’s one type of God-honoring preacher: a shouter.
Just a suggestion: if you have the last name of “Cox” you either shouldn’t try to be an evangelist or you should change your last name. I guarantee you get more people laughing at your name then listening to your preaching. Oh, and please don’t name your son Michael.
Justin Cox———never heard of him. My guess is, I never will.
Oooh, that’s right… because Moses had no problem with speaking boldly. He was immediately in favor of preaching and had no qualms about his strong preaching abilities. And Jonah waisted no time getting to Nineveh because he couldn’t wait to do God’s bidding, and didn’t worry for one SECOND about the result. Abraham was so against vile sin that he waited for God to give his wife a son.
Not to mention how Jesus Himself really tore into the sin of the woman caught in adultery and started throwing stones at her Himself.
It’s great that Prophets and Preachers of old were soooo skilled, rugged real men. It’s like they didn’t even need God! That must have been nice.
The last line still has me giggling. “That must have been nice.”. Classic. 😆 😉
I read it.
Two comments:
1) Are you implying that preachers today are inspired by God, or are in any way analogous to OT prophets?
2) Have you actually read the prophets? Most of them are not like you describe. You also forgot to mention things like preaching naked, eating dung, and going into captivity. I suspect these are not gimmicks we should emulate in your perverted understanding of pastoral ministry.
Have fun and enjoy a well earned break. I, for one, don’t know how you keep us stocked with reading material.
Fundies never leave Darrell lacking for material.
“Gone Fishing” is a “Sign of the Times” so that we don’t participate in “Hero Worship” but it won’t keep us from “Being Off” a bit. 🙄
I feel that this effort needs a comment. I will post one, when I come up with “le mot juste.”
Good luck!
Well, I will wait for you to come back because I have been enjoying your posts so I hope the absense is not too long. I don’t really come from a fundy background but their modernized cousins that like the prosperity gospel way too much and my pastor actually adressed the question of should women wear make up, at the pulpet, by saying “I have never seen a barn that couldn’t use some paint.” Some make up good and women can wear pants, as long as they are not, God forbid, from the men’s department. Still I see a lot of similarities and enjoy you blogs.
Every time I hear some condescending preacher say “If the barn needs painting, paint it,” referring to women and make up, I want to slap him HARD. Women are not barns you nitwit! 👿
I agree. It’s rude and crude, but if you object, you’re told that you have no sense of humor because it was “just a joke.”
I agree. Women are not barns. I have often joked though “that I heard a preacher say its a sin to wear make up, but I said to him, ‘preacher, its a sin for some women NOT to wear make up.'”
Just cuttin’ up and no ill intent. 😀
AND makeup is NOT something that we women need PERMISSION to wear! It is entirely a personal decision that, while sometimes is being done for the benefit of men, is NONE of their business. So don’t call me a barn and tell me to paint it. I will if I want to and I won’t if I don’t and MYOB! (Yeah, that one makes me mad too)
No, really, Sims, tell us how you REALLY feel! 😉 And I agree with you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.
Darn right! And @ skeptigirl, I know exactly what you mean. On my journey out of Fundystan I spent some time in a “liberal” Christian school (that’s not really all that liberal at all) with these tendencies. Women just can’t get a break in most Christian circles. 👿
Didn’t we see 4 new posts the last time Darrell announced that he was taking a week off? I’m looking forward to some “Vacation Revelations” 💡
I suspect that “vacation” and “pressing personal things” may be entirely different here. I would rather Darrel take care of his own stuff right now. We’ll survive, though we’ll miss him.
Enjoy your time off Darrell! It’s nice to be able to get away for a while to do other things…just don’t stay away for too long. 😉
Hey is this some sly way of you saying you’re off being a fisher of men?!? 😉
Now that you’ll be gone I realize just how much I’m gonna miss your posts. 😎
Maybe you could have PW or some of our other SFL sages do a guest post for you while you are away. Food for thought.
And I realize how much of an SFL junkie I am.
We need to find one of the OOOLD posts that only had a few comments and get a whole new discussion going about it!
Just go way back to the beginning. There are some great posts with fewer than 20 comments back in 2008-9. They should definitely be reposted now that we have a larger, more active commenting community these days.
Alright kids, Dad is away. Ice cream for breakfast!
Anything with Bill Cosby is excellent. Plus it is helping me to get rid of the stupid song that Sims planted in my head above.
TOLJA that Sims is off her rocker. Okay, with Darrell away, can we also watch WHATEVER we want on TV? Because *I* want to watch something with evil toys in it, like My Little Pony… 😈
SMURFS? Now that may be going just a lee-tle too far, Sims!
OK, here’s some possible discussion material. I just came across this link. I don’t know the blogger, but since this article deals with an excerpt from one of our “favorite” SFL preachers I’m putting it up for consideration.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. I hate how deceptive invitations are. The pastor starts out promising you WON’T be embarrassed: nobody is looking! Nobody is watching! Just slip up a hand–I won’t embarrass you! But if you do end up dumb enough to raise your hand over whatever challenge is being presented, you are then told to get out of your seat and come forward while the whole church watches. Disgusting and manipulative, just like the blogger mentions. =\
Pastors and evangelists who do that are manipulative, deceiving LIARS. It is a lie to tell people you wn’t embarrass them and then end up saying, “If you don’t come forward NOW, you’re denying Christ before men and He’ll deny you before God.”
People sitting in church hearing this time after time learn to distrust the person speaking in the pulpit which is fine if he’s equating man’s traditions with Scripture but tragic if he’s telling people Jesus is the only way to heaven. If his listeners figure out that he lies, maybe they’ll think the part about Jesus is a lie too.
Years ago a friend of mine (Catholic) was visiting a church with his Baptist friends. The preacher asked every head to be bowed, etc., and then said, “Look up here………………..if you want to be saved.” He looked up during the pause, of course, while everyone else, knowing the trap, kept their head down. He snapped his head back down but the preacher targeted him for the next five minutes, berating “someone” who has been convicted to come up front. He said he didn’t know what to do, pretend to be saved? Walk out? Stay put? So like the prey when the predator is near, he held completely still and hoped the threat would pass.
Wow, Eric, I am glad you posted this, though re-reading it did bring unpleasant flashbacks. It is INCREDIBLE what I bought into, at one time in my life! Jack Hyles actually told me once that he envied my late pastor’s ability to give an invitation! In my late pastor’s defense, he was a good, faithful, sincere man, who died of cancer in 1980. He never lived long enough to see the debacle that was the TRUE Jack Hyles, and HAC, and he never really wanted me to GO to HAC in the first place. MAN! Jack Hyles was a freak and a sideshow one at that…. 👿
I have found the unpleasant memories come when I least expect them. Or rather that sometimes I am disturbed by what I least expect. Case in point, I just recently have been listening to Shaun Groves amazing new album, “Third World Symphony” (if nothing else go listen to Kingdom Coming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DZaIE8jbwY&feature=related ) Anyway, on the album he reworks the hymn Just As I Am, adding new lyrics and changing things up a bit. It’s really well done and I like it, but I can’t listen to it. I actually deleted it from my mp3 player because as soon as it came on I got flashbacks and the twitching started due to the 1000’s of times I was force fed that song during man’s manipulations they call invitations.
I remember (in either a music class or Church Ed class) being taught that the tempo of each song is designed to cause an emotional response in the congregation,etc etc and I remember thinking, “How is THAT helpful to the soul?” I think they believe that if they can evoke an emotional reaction to the very carefully planned service that the “decision” made will trick God into accepting a person’s actions to salvation. I do believe God has that one figured out though.
Pretty awful: I’m starting to understand that “practical” in JH-speak means “without the Spirit of God” — He was not mentioned anywhere in that writing (that I recall). It was all about how to manipulate people into making decisions.
Lots of BOOs for teaching people that saying a prayer will “save” them; salvation isn’t a matter of saying magic words (kind of like casting a spell).
Great now i have to re-engage and insert myself back into the real world.
Hope you enjoy your time off. I know that it’s a big job to keep up the content on the blog. We all need time to disengage.
Thanks again for providing us ex-fundies a place to vent, to laugh, and to engage in interesting conversations. 🙂
When you get back I would love to know your thoughts/opinions on this:
No…. Darrell… Just no. I mean, I can take a break from the pc and SFL and so can everyone else on here, but YOU may NOT.
You must always be here, regardless if anyone else is or not, because you’re classified as a universal constant.
So, nope, sorry, not gonna work.
(seriously though, hope all is well)
Wow, Natalie, I am so glad to see your name and your little gingham picture thingy again! I was seriously worried. 🙂
Thanks 😉
I’ve been on and off here the last weeky computer doesn’t like me so I’m having to go mobile.
WEEK! Damn autocorrect.
I had iPad trouble last night, and today, until a mere child, at the Apple store, kindly told me I simply need to sync my iPad. He was very very kind about it though. He is my children’s age. Sigh.
To seen enough, I read on here some where that you were a dorm supervisor at HAC in the mid 80s. I went there for 1 year 85/86. Wondering if I would remember you. Were you there in 85/86? I can’t even remember the name/number of the dorm floor I stayed on. I do recall being on the main floor at the end of the main hallway close to the infirmory and I believe the ‘post office’ was right there too close to the door to the dorm floor I stayed on.
Wow, what a trip, and I was just thinking, this morning, how much I loved your screen name! I was dorm supe, yes, in that wing, but on the bottom floor, the year BEFORE. The year YOU mention, I was a new bride, still on faculty, but no, not in the dorms any more, thank the Lord! 🙂
Were you a teacher the year I was there? My name is Monica, maiden name Elwell. I was on the work scholorship program, I carried a full load and worked the bus ministry….so busy. I was a quiet young lady, barely noticable until I was asked on a spur to be in a skit in chapel as dateless Debbi. Glad I didn’t go back.
I was! I would only have known you if I had you in a class. I taught English and Ed. classes. I know exactly what you mean when you describe your life there, as I did it for four interminable years, as a dorm girl on work scholarship and bus ministry also, in the late seventies. Yet thank God, here we both are, survivors! Bless you, I am SO glad you did not go back!!!
I remember taking a sewing class (probably because of all the frustrations of not getting the zipper perfect in the skirt project). I remember the Bible class with Schapp. I remember taking an English course, but I don’t recall anything significant except the teacher was a nice young lady, if I remember correctly she sang solos at Hyles church frequently, was that you?
THAT WAS HER!!! She had dark, wavy hair, right? And she sang in little groups with other girls. Lovely singing voice.
I knew it 😀 I adored you, so glad to have run into you here and glad that you found your way out of the fundy delussional world. I would recognize you in an old picture. If I remember correctly, you were in the church choir too, I noticed you and paid a lot of attention to you, you were my role model and you never knew it.
SCREECHING HALT! NOT me! I had long dark hair, yes, but did NOT sing solos, and was NOT in the choir. I know exactly who you mean, I THINK; is it Judy Hobbes? At my last briefing, she is still very much a fundy, BUT! My last briefing was many years ago, so let us hope! Or it MAY be Donna Gipson, who has a different last name now, I think….
In fact, the more I think about your statement that she was in the church choir, I am almost certain it is Donna Gipson.
Anyway, I am only ever a role model for rowdies. Look at Sims. 😉
YEAAAAHHHHH… Actually when I was there we were both very good and well behaved. We were only rowdy on the inside in the very deepest recesses of the heart. But I think maybe *I* was the role model. Don’t you agree?
Yes. You were definitely the one with your head screwed on straight. I was drinking the kool-aid. 😳
My kool-aid was spiked, I was never sober or in my right mind all those years.
*What?* You are taking time off here? If you wouldn’t mind, please bring a note from your doctor when you return. Thank you. (Was it just my church or did doctor’s notes seem to be highly esteemed, right up there with the KJV in infallibility.) It was undeniable PROOF that you were NOT out having fun when you missed Wednesday night prayer meeting, you were actually suffering and would be grudgingly excused.
Wait, I’m sorry, for missing a CHURCH SERVICE you needed a doctor’s note? I would have brought them a note all right, and then demonstrated TO them where it should go…. 👿
In mine, they took attendance with little cards that you had to fill out. (If you were a visitor you got a different card.) There was a woman in the office who kept track of who had missed a certain number of times in a row. You had to have a good excuse for missing. When I had my wisdom teeth out I don’t remember how many services I missed, but I got a phone call. And it wasn’t a “How are you feeling? We have been praying for you.” call either.
Oh. My. Word.
How about a note from the psychologist/psychiatrist that you were in counseling session that went into overtime because of all of the problems??
Those names don’t ring a bell. Maybe I am associating the English teacher to the lady who sang because of some similarities.
I am extremely hesitant to post my name here, because lo, these many years later, I still occasionally get creepy letters from Hammond.
Do you really? That’s okay, I understand. You can Facebook me if you want, name is Monica Weimer. I don’t care, I have turned into a fiesty one, if IFB has taught me anything it was to know how to give challenges, now I don’t give them, I take them.
I will! As soon as I figure out which of the nine Monica Weimers you are, on FB!
I am a Fundy and glad to be one, though probably not as carbon copy fundy as most here are already so arrogantly and ignorantly convinced (go ahead, use my opening to “tear me to shreds”!!!
I have observed that many of you are as if not MMMOORRREEE hateful and sarcastically insulting than most of the cookie cutter fundies out in goober land. Oops, did i spell more in all caps with triple letters??? Uh oh, what ammo that will be for the brightest children here!
Anyways, my “name” is OMIFBPreacher because, contrary to observed popular opinion, i am a very open minded Independent Fundamental Baptist Preacher of nearly two decades preaching the Blessed Holy Bible… And you guessed it!!! The only Bible for english speaking people (have at it brightest of brights): the King James Translation.
I am open minded in terms of being willing to hear out what others have to say concerning the “issues” so widely and rampantly spewed on this site. My goal is genuinely threefold: 1. Strengthen my faith through discussion NOT argument. 2. Receive light on subjects i may genuinely be wrong about. (i can almost hear your hands rubbing together). 3. Help some wayward and hurting precious saint regain his/her lost faith and or stand.
I am ashamed of much of what we all call fundamentalism and have for years been one of the first to point out our flaws, faults, failures and fleshly foolishnesses (alliterated for your own slamming enjoyment). My list of grievances against most IFBers is long and growing weekly.
I have never ever ever no ever never never attended a Sword of the Bored Convention for most of the pesters who are guilty of attempted preaching at that mess cannot preach their way through a soggy waffle, though a couple of them are genuine men of God.
I have never, by Gods protection and mercy, “led (a soul) to the LORD at the gas pump” or any such drivel. I am vehemently against the salvation minus conviction, repentance and regeneration club.
On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on i could go and go and go and go and go about how i (really the Bible) disagree(s) with lost of IFBism and fundy pom pom junk.
However, i am immovably an IFB preacher and i believe in clean holy separated living, passionate loud AND quiet preaching, modesty in both men and womens dress and appearance, submission of wives to thier husbands and wel, on and on and on and on….
My question for now to all is this: What is the ultimate purpose and or goal of this website and all its goings on? Come on now, be perfectly and completely honest before God and man…. Just like you blame many fundies for thier faults, what would most of them say and think about this blog? Would it help them see the light, the way you all so Jesus like talk about them? Would it bring them under deep conviction for the err of thier ways? Hmmmmm, on second thought, what do you think Jesus Christ the Righteous thinks of this site and all its contributors?
Cant wait to get the ball rolling.
Hey, man. This is mainly a humor site, so I would hope that Jesus would (does) laugh at it a little. Most of us are believers who were harshly treated, abused, brainwashed or a combonation of all three in the IFB world. Many of us are still believers, some of us are not. The goal of SFL is not to convert IFBr’s to being ex-IFBr’s. I would venture to say that some of us do that on our own time with our own friends and families who are still trapped in the cult that is IFB. I for one don’t ask my fundy friends and family to check out SFL. That’s not what it’s for. We are here to support each other, laugh, cry and heal. This site has helped me to move on past a lot of fundy baggage, some of which I didn’t know I still carried around. If you came here to argue, there are many who will oblige you on that. I think that’s what you want or you wouldn’t have inserted that little bit about the KJV. You immediately negated the “open minded” part of your username. Even Jesus has stopped using and quoting the KJV. Anyway, let me wrap up this ramble: Feel free to read past posts, laugh a little, make yourself comfortable.. but be warned of this: if you came here to judge us for the liberty that we’ve found in Christ, don’t be crying when your lambasted by some people who are tired of that kind of shit. If we want that, we know where to download the MP3’s.
I absolutely do not share this site with people I know who are fundamentalists. It’s not for them. The approach, the humor, the comments – they would be offended or shocked (I know I would have been!) I only tell people about this site if they have already left fundamentalism because they are ready to laugh and share and comfort and exhort each other about the distortions of Biblical truth that we experienced while in IFB churches and/or homes.
Heck, I was a little offended when I first started reading this site and I was already out of fundamentalism.
This blog post sums up issues I have with fundamentalism and does so seriously and sincerely without the sarcasm and scorn that can be so off-putting to some:
Thanks, PW, I’ll check it out. I read SFL for a couple of weeks the first time, made a couple of comments, but left because I felt like it was as judgmental as the fundies.
I eventually came back and have been loving it ever since. Not really sure what changed but it doesn’t bother me any more. 😀
Let me briefly share my heart.
1. I am truly and deeply hurtbu the hurtsmany of you have endured and the hands of sinful men in the IFB world. Trust me, my heart goes out to the abusedof all fashions, and the just plain wore out and disgusted students of the Bible who happened to think for themselves and see the man major flaws in the small corner of fundyism they were exposed to. Yes, i said small corner. You aint seen it all or younwoild not be a part of this GAURENTEE.
2. if i “negate” my claim of openmindedness by taking a firm and open stand on the KJT then i have deeper feelings of sorrow for the silliness, ignorance and just plain weirdness of your way of thinking. Duh duh duh duh duh…. Is it not possible to be close minded about matters i am sure of while at the same time open minded to matters i myself may be still searchung and seeking on? Come now, givea guy a break and be real. You about make me sick with “logic” like that.
3.your use of fouk langues communicates volumes of the “liberty” you have found in The Holy Spirit since leaving the “cult”.
4. I will not even comment on your reference to the IFB “cult”. Wait, i think i just did. Oh no, deleteall that!
Good day.
This is totally immature, but sometimes I get this way. His misspelling of the word “foul” looks like it’s the Old English spelling of another four letter word. Hahahaha! 😆
If you want to know what the ultimate purpose and goal of this website is, take some time and read all of the old posts and more importantly, the comments.
Most of us here have experienced either mental abuse, spritual abuse or physical abuse at the hands of so-called Godly IFBs. Here we have a place to share stories, laugh, cry and laugh some more.
What is interesting is that the IFB pushed me away from God. Since I have been coming here, I have learned that God is not the big heavy in the sky just waiting for me to miss a Wednesday night service or not pray as much or read my bible as much as the man-worshipped IFB preacher so He can hit me over the head. I have found that through the comments of many of the posters, I am being drawn back to God. I have read more of the Bible (all different versions) than ever before.
I have a question for you……how do you think Jesus would think of your separated standards that you are so proud of? Would he think you were like him, or more like the Pharisees?
To answer your “question”. I belive Jesus is pleased with my endeavors to be seperated because of the fact that i am not as proud of my standards as you think i am. You took a risk by assuming such, and i rebuke your arrogance in doing so. I AM sorry you were hurt by idiots, but belive me, many in my “camp” are genuine seekers of God who take no confidencein the flesh, but still have enoughsence. To obey God and seek to be holy in all manner of conversation. What is so wrong to you people about clear cut and obviousbblical principles of sanctification to God and separation from the world and fleshliness. You sicken me.
Good day.
Brother, I use to live like you and I truly believed that my standards of being seperate totally won favor with God. Except, that the harder I tried to keep with the checklists that people made up as “being seperate” ….the more I couldn’t keep them. I could do a thousand things right in one day and do one thing wrong and I begged and pleaded not only for forgivness, but for God’s favor.
Then GRACE…God’s GRACE embraced me. I tried to make Scripture agree with me and my checklists….but it did not.
Preacher, my brother, Jesus is pleased with you because you are His CHILD. You’ve trusted Him to be you Savior. He loves you and is happy with you-just the way you are. (I know, I know the checklist is not happy about this) All of God’s wrath and anger at our sin…was satisfied at the CROSS.
Now, about the sanctification part….. Our life will be one of a journey to perfect sanctification. But it’s NOT US MANUFACTURIING IT. It’s God. (that’s a hard one and it took me a while to get it) But as the Scripture says “He who began a good work in you…. will complete it” Let Jesus work in your heart. Besides…. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith…NOT US. (Hebrews) Now you may be wondering what about me? Where is my personal responsibility???? As a true child of God who really gets how much He loves us – love comes natural (not manufactured) You will wake up in the morning saying… God how can I love you back?! ( I mean who loves us like God? So unconditional…not performance based. It’s not the norm)
It’s all about the heart my brother, nothing more, nothing less.
When the religious leaders of the day (who loved to make rules and add rules so that they wouldn’t even come close to breaking any of God’s laws) asked Jesus “What is the greatest commandment?”
He simply replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, your strength. (then He throws them a freebie) Love your neighbor as yourself” Following Jesus = Loving God, Loving everybody.
I hope you have freedom, and you feel the kiss of grace on you life dear one. It’s absolutely beautiful!
Beautifully said, Sara. I want to cross stitch that on to a pillow. Word for word. Thank you for that.
Sara, it funny that you dont realize that that is precicely how i feel and live my life. I have standards and am seperated for the right reasons. Guess what, its possible to have it your way and mine. You just dont get it though do you?
Either you are the most self-deluded individual I have met in a long time, or you are a liar. Or possibly some combination of both. Either way, I am not falling for it. Your posts are hateful, overbearing and out of place here. And here is a verse for you right out of your favorite version of the Bible. “Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not charity (love) I become as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.”
@Sims LOL about the cross stitch pillow!!! Thank you for the encouragment!
Good verse btw!
Brother, I do get it. It’s not about my way or your way. It’s about the beauty of Jesus and His redemption of us.
Best to you!
I like sara. Whats wrong with being BIBLICALLY “old fashined” and truly separated unto God and from the world for GODS pleasure?
I HATE the HAYMAN drivel. 🙂
I shall refrain from any “Hay-Mens” while communicating with you! 😆
I do have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind answering them….I’m not asking out of sarcasm or trying to be rude. I’m just very curious of your beliefs. Feel free not to answer or feel free to ask any of your own!
Would you mind explaining what being Biblically “old fashioned” means to you?
How important is it to be Biblically “old fashioned” ?
Also, I am interested in knowing what you feel really defines you as Christian.
Beautiful and succinct definition of grace, thanks Sara.
@Discovering Life TY, Friend
OK, I’ll take the bait. Like fifthsunday and Scorpio said, this is a place for us to come and laugh about what we have come out of. You know that verse about a merry heart being like a good medicine? That would be a good reason.
It also gives some of us a chance to share some of the crap that we’ve been through during our time in fundamentalism. I just had the chance to share my experience helping a fellow student leave a fundy college and the repercussions I faced. The responses to the post were very encouraging to me.
Frankly sir, you bore me and I’m only responding to call you out. I’ve seen your kind before and it doesn’t work with me or most of the other regulars on this board. Don’t state that you’re open minded and then list the reasons where you are not. Don’t come saying you are looking for “discussion” and start you side of the “discussion” by firing off a few shots at the posters. Don’t say that you’re “ashamed at much of fundamentalism” and continue to call yourself one. Don’t come calling us arrogant and ignorant while you display both traits throughout your challenge.
You bore me because I saw you for what you are in seconds and I moved on from your kind of “discussion” a long time ago. If you actually and sincerely want honest dialogue, then check your attitude at the door and come with real questions.
Predictable. You bore yourself son. You managed to contradict yourself and me with many of your statements. You did not read with an open mind. You are like most others: embraced some truths at the expense of others. Honestly, you fit in better with the mainline fundies better than you realize.
Good day.
. . . stretches . . . yawns . . . moving on 😐
Eric, don’t you love how the biggest insult he can think to give us is that we are like fundies?
@Sims Few things put me off quicker than someone calling me “son”. It is one of those words that just carries condescension and judgmentalism with it. Oh well.
He called me a child. I bet I am old enough to be his mother.
Sims, you know I just put my finger on what really put me off about this guy. In his first letter he calls us children. That’s not so bad, but he continues to list all of the “I never’s” that he has never done. That’s what put me off the most about him, but it didn’t click in my head until just now why. He reminds me of Luke 18:9-14. I know how bad I am and I freely admit my own faults, doubts, and sins. It may not always be here on SFL, but I do in real life. His attitude of “thank God I’m not like them” is some of the most tangible fruit a true fundamentalist bears. I’ve long argued that if Christ began His earthly ministry today that the scribes and pharisees that He would be calling out would be in the IFB, but I wouldn’t be far behind. The difference is that I know I need His grace and that’s not because I’m smarter than them or because I’ve got it figured out. Nope, it’s because He has granted grace to me when I was least deserving. Oh taste and see that He is good! (stepping off of pulpit now)
Honestly Mr. Preacher I have my doubts that you’re here for genuine discussion and being an “open minded” IFB preacher is almost an oxymoron. Well, if you want to have a discussion maybe we could start with 1) do you have an honorary doctorate?, 2) give invitations?, and 3) practice tithing?
I think i like you
NO NO NO earned or honorary doctorate. Thats a sermon series in itself. THANK YOU. FOR ASKING .sorry about the caps
I have preached against “invitations” for years. If the preaching of the truth does not ilicit change, not emotional prodding by mans flesh will.
I refrain from robbing God by giving BOTH tithes AND offerings. I preach that if you only give 10% you are in violation of scripture for the offering was commanded on top of and apart from the tithe. I already know youare gonna sling out the “that was old testamentisrael” or whatever else. Let me predictthat we wont budge each other. I have studied it indepth and preached it for years. Moving on…..
I have studied it in depth as well…probably more so than you and am totally convinced that modern-day tithing is unbiblical. Malachi 3:8 is probably the most abused, taken-out-of context, verse in the Bible.
I disagree with you on both counts, but like i said, moving on…..
I understand if you don’t want to discuss it further. Finally realizing the truth about something like tithing can be daunting, especially when you practice it for many, many years, and in your case teach it to your congregation. It can be hard to admit you were wrong, especially when this practice is clearly taught in the New Testament, was practiced by the early church, and because there are many examples of it throughout church history…well scratch those last three.
pom pom is a brand of omegranate juice for sale at Stop & Shop
Wow, Guys, roll the ball the other way. I make it a habit to leave trolls alone.
Did you go around picking fights in elementary school, too?
“Come at me, bro!!” 🙄
OMIFBPreacher, I read about the first paragraph or so of your comment and for some reason I felt like I was back in my old church getting mind-screwed all over again. I don’t even want to go back up and try to read the rest because (here we go) your arrogance and condesention comes through your typed words overpowering anything you might be TRYING to say there. You fit the mold of “Fundamentalist Preacher” to a T and I don’t believe for one second that you are open minded at all. I have no intention of arguing with you about anything here. I actually have a pastor who loves me and I feel sorry for whoever it is you have conned into being in your flock. Thanks for stopping by though, to remind me of all that I was rescued from.
My “arrogance and condecention” was only becasue i want to badly to fit i with you and most others i have read on here? You non fundyism discernment didnt tell you that right off? Child, you need to comehome and eat a big bowl of horse sence. You crushed yourself by arguing with me and pretty much calling me a liar when you said you didntwant to argue. Too funny, too typical and very VERY fundyish. Bummer for you, Jackson, you are more stuck with “us” than you know!
Thanks for the laugh.
Good day.
My “arrogance and [1] condecention” was only [2] becasue i want to badly to fit i with you and most others i have read on here? You non fundyism discernment [3] didnt tell you that right off? Child, you need to [4] comehome and eat a big bowl of horse [5] sence. You crushed yourself by arguing with me and pretty much calling me a liar when you said you [6] didntwant to argue. Too funny, too typical and very VERY fundyish. Bummer for you, Jackson, you are more stuck with “us” than you know!
Thanks for the laugh.
Good day. REPLY = FAIL
1. condecention
2. becasue
3. didnt
4. comehome
5. sence
6. didntwant
7. umm … grammar much?
8. umm …. punctuation much?
@Shoes I miss you when you get busy and don’t comment as often and I want you to know how much you’re loved.
Also, his second sentence starts with the word “you” when it should be “your”.
Thanks guys. I didn’t even know where to begin to replay to that. Should have gone with the obvious. Also, who is Jackson?
After spending the summer in Nepal, studying with a Tibeten Flippigation master, I will attempt to show OMFG-Preacher deviousness. Using Shoes Codex of Flippigation This is the standard A=1; B=2; … Z=26 number Codex. I will transmorgiphy “OMIFBPreacher” into numbers. Notice the two separate portions of his alleged name. one is written in all caps. The other is written in lowercase letters, and we will separate them as such. Amen for Separation!
OMIFBP = (15,13,9,6,2,16) = (61) because of the CAP lock extravaganza we will multiply the sum x 10. Sum of Cap Lock Rage = 610
reacher = (18,5,1,3,8,5,18) = (58) with the addition of the lower case and upper case we arrive at … 668. notice the repeated “r” in the lower case number string.
“R” has a value of 18.
1+8 = 9
9 upsidedown is a 6, so we need to remove two Units of Evil
668 – 2 = 666
And there you go. He’s the devil.
Jackson must be some kind of derogatory term. I’m guessing it’s an old one considering he likes to use ‘sonny’ a lot. Maybe I can find it in my college handbook’s list of disallowed terms. 🙄
@Shoes That’s what I’ve been waiting for!!!! 😀
SHOOOOOOOOES!!! I miss you!!!
Jackson… Jackson…. isn’t that the name of Hanna Montanna’s brother on the show?
(I have a daughter under 10yrs old, is the only reason I know this)
I do know an independent baptist preacher who is an awesome guy. By all accounts not a bit legalistic, or man-centered, or outward-centered, or anything like that. Not a Hyles worshipper or belonging to any particular “camp” (BJU, PCC, HAC, etc). He’s just a great preacher who happens to believe the things Baptists traditionally believed in without all the legalistic trappings modern IFB ones have.
So it is possible. But he is truly independent. Not sure why I felt the need to share that….
I am with you 100%. Most IFBers shou,d label themselves DEPENDANT BaBBBtists. I bet i woild love your friend, if i dont already know him. IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE HOLY AND HUMBLE. I fail too often, but it is my desire.
Not sure why I’m replying to OMIFBP seriously. But to put it in fundy-speak, SFL has actually been a tremendous blessing to me. I like to think of SFL as an unofficial court jester, treating difficult topics with humor and revealing truths along the way. I think it’s important for people to have a space where they can engage in really open, honest discussion and say what they need to. Many of them have been censored all their lives, and this is a safe space where they can actually work through their ideas. It’s part blog, part therapy. Some people are in different stages in life or their spiritual walk. Engaging on this blog helps them think, get their thoughts out there, and put their life and values in perspective.
Anyways, it’s the Internet. Try not to take comments by strangers personally.
I’d say Darrell picked the wrong week to take off. Between our open minded preacher friend and the humble Mr. Cox, he is missing so much.
Your opening sentence reminds me of the movie Airplane (and your avatar is clear that you know it well) “I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.”
The trolls were waiting for Darrell to leave so that they could come out. Darrell, please return to save us.
I say it is Darrell, screwing with us. That would be rich.
Darrell is a pretty cool guy. eh makes funny blogs and doesn’t afaid of anything
Darrell aint nvr sk’rd
I like that there weren’t many responses to Pastor Oxymoron. Imagine how frustrating that is that not too many wanna take your bait…
I like how you wererefreshed to be one of the few and the (genuinely) proud.
My hats off to you sonny.
Good day.
i think OMIFBPreacher is a pretty cool guy. eh knows english good and doesnt afaid of anything
Sonny? Lacking a pretty major piece of anatomy to be a sonny… But I guess you had a 50/50 chance…
Best wishes for our Benevolent Dictator and his family while he is away.
Hey, as mentioned earlier, let’s take a vote to go back to an old deserving post that didn’t get much action back in the day. I’m newer to this SFL and there are years of posts we could check out.
Is anyone game?
I’m in even though I’ve been here since right after the beginning. Anyone know how we can locate the first post and start there?
I like that idea. I don’t think we need a vote though. Just pick one and comment on it. (Maybe a couple times.) We can find you through the “recent comments” part of the site.
Sweet! I’ll go snooping 😀
I think November 2008–maybe the Dutch Blitz posting? I’ve seen Sims and Seen Enough playing in the comments back there. 😆
I am a Fundy and glad to be one, though probably not as carbon copy fundy as most here are already so arrogantly and ignorantly convinced (go ahead, use my opening to “tear me to shreds”!!!
I have observed that many of you are as if not MMMOORRREEE hateful and sarcastically insulting than most of the cookie cutter fundies out in goober land. Oops, did i spell more in all caps with triple letters??? Uh oh, what ammo that will be for the brightest children here!
Anyways, my “name” is OMIFBPreacher because, contrary to observed popular opinion, i am a very open minded Independent Fundamental Baptist Preacher of nearly two decades preaching the Blessed Holy Bible… And you guessed it!!! The only Bible for english speaking people (have at it brightest of brights): the King James Translation.
I am open minded in terms of being willing to hear out what others have to say concerning the “issues” so widely and rampantly spewed on this site. My goal is genuinely threefold: 1. Strengthen my faith through discussion NOT argument. 2. Receive light on subjects i may genuinely be wrong about. (i can almost hear your hands rubbing together). 3. Help some wayward and hurting precious saint regain his/her lost faith and or stand.
I am ashamed of much of what we all call fundamentalism and have for years been one of the first to point out our flaws, faults, failures and fleshly foolishnesses (alliterated for your own slamming enjoyment). My list of grievances against most IFBers is long and growing weekly.
I have never ever ever no ever never never attended a Sword of the Bored Convention for most of the pesters who are guilty of attempted preaching at that mess cannot preach their way through a soggy waffle, though a couple of them are genuine men of God.
I have never, by Gods protection and mercy, “led (a soul) to the LORD at the gas pump” or any such drivel. I am vehemently against the salvation minus conviction, repentance and regeneration club.
On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on i could go and go and go and go and go about how i (really the Bible) disagree(s) with lost of IFBism and fundy pom pom junk.
However, i am immovably an IFB preacher and i believe in clean holy separated living, passionate loud AND quiet preaching, modesty in both men and womens dress and appearance, submission of wives to thier husbands and wel, on and on and on and on….
My question for now to all is this: What is the ultimate purpose and or goal of this website and all its goings on? Come on now, be perfectly and completely honest before God and man…. Just like you blame many fundies for thier faults, what would most of them say and think about this blog? Would it help them see the light, the way you all so Jesus like talk about them? Would it bring them under deep conviction for the err of thier ways? Hmmmmm, on second thought, what do you think Jesus Christ the Righteous thinks of this site and all its contributors?
Cant wait to get the ball rolling.
What’s the matter? Did you not get enough attention the first time you posted it?
I see George is having as much fun with this guy as he does with the rest of us. 😎
Wait, the more I think about it, the more I think I just insulted George. Sorry, dude. 🙁
This guy would definitely benefit from your regular job though.
I think this guy is totally gay for George right now.
This clown’s a walking caricature. I call Poe’s Law.
I’m starting to think that Mr. Openminded is really just Darrell messing with us. I mean come on, copying and pasting the first post. Who would do that? This guy can’t be for real.
Think again 😛
Mr. Poe?
$10 says his name is John or Jonathan.
I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
This happened once before where we all got scammed. I think it might have been KindofBored, maybe? That was many months ago and my memory is not what it used to be.
No matter who it is, they are not an IFB preacher. We have been had.
I agree Scorpio. If it is not Darrell, I will donate $100 to the site. Darrell, ball is in your court.
It’s not me.
I really have been busy elsewhere. 🙂
ETA: And a quick check of the e-mail and IP address show that it’s not anybody else who posts here unless they’ve taken pains to disguise themselves.
Damn, I should have know better. Funds coming promptly.
I wish I were this good.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. We’ve been had. The Gone Fishing was just a ruse. Darrell is OMIFBPreacher.
:). :). 🙂
Is that an affirmative?
Maybe the sign should have read “Gone Trolling”.
Oh great! If Darrell is OMIFBPreacher this only fuels the paranoia issues that I picked up from Fundyland. “Trust No One” 😮
That’s funny Sara, I thought the same thing.
@Monipenny LOL!!!
Howz it pheel to be HAD?!?!?!? 😈
Oh Preacher, we’re used to it. We’re just on the other side of it now and it doesn’t get to us any more (speaking for myself anyway). I am sure other ex-fundies agree.
If that’s true, it pheels like you’re an idiot.
This is good, think I’ll get another beer and some pretzels.
Thought I’d weigh in. Here is an excerpt from my “Reformation Manifesto:”
Now most of this note has been to make a stand against the movement known as Independent, Fundamental Baptist. ”Unless I am convinced by proofs from Scriptures or by plain and clear reasons and arguments, I cannot and will not retract, for it is neither safe nor wise to do anything against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen.” Luther said these words as he stood against what he knew to be error in doctrine and practice in the Church of his day. I feel the same way regarding the way church is practiced in the IFB world. The IFB model says anyone can preach so long as they “say” they are called to be a preacher; then go on to make a major emphasis on the difference in the “pew” Christian and the full-time “man of God.” There is a mystical veneration that is shown toward the “man of God” aka “God’s anointed“(Read Ephesians 4:8-16, the emphasis is not on the ‘gifts’ but on why the gifts were given and what they are to be used for) …and all the congregation is to be in submission to this super saint. (horse feathers)
Ok, let’s unpack all that. For the most part the little Independent Baptist churches have a pastor that is usually, not formally trained in any of the disciplines (literature, language, grammar, leadership, logic or philosophy) that one would associate with the gifts of teaching. If they are trained it is at an IFB college where they are trained in the IFB way. This model perpetuates an anti-intellectual mindset that is killing Christianity. All they really require is the calling to “full-time” service. (“Full-time service” in the IFB model means preaching is one’s chosen or ‘called to’ vocation. i.e. a full time paycheck.) Last time I checked every believer is called to “full-time” Christian service.
Which brings us to the IFB “man of God” myth. Last time I checked if you are a born again Child of God then you are a “man (or woman) of God.” The IFB Model creates a Christian Caste system where there are different classes of Christians. Basically it is the IFB version of Roman Catholicism, only the pope is localized -vs.- the centralized version found in RC. The Biblical model is that God has, “…gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.” Ephesians 4:11-14 Nowhere in the Scripture do we find some mystical anointing that creates a special Christian “Priesthood” apart from the general Ambassadorship and Priesthood all redeemed Saints of God are called to. Yet, according to Scripture, all we who believe are Priests and Ambassadors of and for our God and His kingdom. Some are gifted to be able to preach/teach, and some to sing, and some to help, and some to administrate but all to minister!
What IFB bunker-ism leaves us with is a “one-man rule” model; where the so called “anointed one of God” is not to be questioned (especially not from the congregation, ie.”Touch not god’s self anointed”). Much like the Charismatics, while the “man of God” is behind the “sacred desk” his words are “God breathed.” This in turn either leads to the “man of God” becoming a tyrant without accountability to anyone but God… or it leads to a power struggle in the church. I have seen both. Usually this leads to a split and more often than not those who leave will toss a rock down the street and wherever it lands… they start a new IFB Church (instead of finding an existing Church family to plug into.) The biblical model for church rule is in multiple elders who have the gifts to lead, preach/teach (the pastor is required to be gifted to both proclaim and explain) and shepherd the congregation. No one man should ever have the absolute power in a church… that leads to guys wearing sunglasses preparing you some special kool-aid. It is the breeding ground for cult like practices that are killing Christianity in America. (Think Jimmy Swaggert, Ted Haggard, Jim Baker, Jack Hyles)
So, having said all that, “what do I now do?” I know that I am going to make a stand to purge all IFB practices my family is exposed to, wherever I find them. I want to see radical Biblical Christianity in practice. It is not to be found in the experiential form of church that is the mainstay of the IFB movement. That is, where the people are looking for someone to preach ‘hard‘ to them, and step on their toes. (In the IFB world this is the manifestation of “good” preaching, having one’s toes stepped on.) Such experiential “churchanity” allows the hearer to rely solely on the experience and not have to read the Word of God and think about the word of God. It is the ability to warm the pew, have the message spoon or bottle-fed to you, get burped and have a warm fuzzy about having gone to church that week. The experiential ‘churchanity’ undermines the “Sufficiency of God’s Word.”
I want to have to stretch for the message… I want to have to reach up and grasp the fruit of truth, not have it pre-chewed and regurgitated on me. So, I am drawing a line in the sand and like Luther here I stand. My family and I choose to follow the path of the Reformed Theology first, and then Baptist if it is available as reformed. Sola scriptura – Sola fide – Sola gratia – Solo Christo – Soli Deo gloria
That was my official divorce from the Independent, Fundamental, Baptist cult.
“now that ought to get the ball rolling” 🙄
Wow. {Sidesteps rolling ball} That was great!
Lol. You guys have even more fun on here than I even thought.
Seen enough,
Just checked, there’s 2 with my name on Facebook, I am the second one.
I got way more than two! West Holmes ring a bell?
Check your FB messages, please.
To Omifbpreacher: I can honestly say (and I’m sure I’m not the only one) that I have been more hurt but those who thought they were different from “cookie cutter” IFB and considered themselves to not be arrogant and proud. First off, it was much easier to see through the bullshit of those openly arrogant and obnoxious. The ones who really hurt me are the ones who hid it well. Their arrogance and pharisee attitude didn’t come out until I was in desperate need of help and starting to walk away from God. I believe they truly meant well in all of their beliefs, my parents included, but to this day they cannot see how damaging their actions and way of thinking was and still is. I am just now realizing and starting to sort thru all of the baggage that growing up in that crap has caused me to accumulate. I know my parents thought they were doing right but that doesn’t fix what is broken. In fact its another hurdle to get over simply because they don’t see what they’ve done to their children. I believe my parents are genuine christians and they love God with all their heart but that doesn’t make their actions any less hurtful. I know they will never see me as a “good christian” who is following God simply because I have some beliefs that they don’t agree with. You have the right to a different belief just like anyone else but don’t come here and say that you hurt for those of us that were hurt by the IFB and then turn on that same arrogant attitude and belittle us. You may consider yourself “not the cookie cutter IFB” but you have proved yourself every bit as arrogant and condescending as the rest of them.
Yes, and AMEN! I will not reply to Arrogant Preacher directly. He is not worth it. But your response was absolutely what I would have said if I were going to.
The attitude of “I-have-the-greater-knowledge-and-truth” and yet the profession of “I am not like those other guys” made my head spin. I now live in the truth. I barely remember my time in the darkness. Every now and then I get a glimpse of that darkness and remember. Such was the case when I read Arrogant Preacher’s posts. You will never convince a know-it-all narccicist of anything. It is best to just put them behind you and keep rejoicing in the truth!
I promise that in the eyes of God you are as arrogant as you view me
Pray for me
No. In the eyes of God I am pure, and clean and without blemish. God sees me as He sees His Son. I am sorry that you don’t understand that.
A real understanding of God’s Grace eludes the legalists of the IFB. The one west coast fundy pastor I personally heard preach a series on grace totally perverted it.
Just though i would have a bit of fun. I am nobody of consequence. Just an, uh, observer! Dont knwo which side i am on really. I want the Bible way! Sorry for all the strife lol it was fun!!!!!
Well played sir. You had us for awhile. This was the comment that made me suspicious:
Nobody can misspell Baptists that way inadvertantly. 😆
I woikd absolutely LOVE to see what everyone here has to say about this…
(it makes me so sick i wont even comment for now)….
The following is the “Conference details) for the West Coast BaBBBtist youth control, I MEAN, conference…enjoy!
Conference Details:
Conference Schedule: The conference begins at 7pm (doors open at 6pm) April 11, and ends at noon April 13.
Registration: begins at noon on Wednesday, April 11.
WCBC Classes: Seniors will have the option of attending WCBC classes.
Cost: $70 per person if registered before March 21. You may register online or by phone. Payment is not due until you arrive at the conference. Registrations received after March 21 will be $75 per person. Registration cost includes meals listed below, handouts, and all activities (including a trip to Six Flags).
If you prefer not to attend the Six Flags activity, you can register for $55 before March 21 and $60 thereafter.
Meals: The following meals are included in the price of registration:
Wednesday evening pizza provided following the evening service
Thursday Breakfast provided
Thursday lunch provided to-go
Thursday dinner not provided*
Friday breakfast provided
New Friday lunch provided to-go
*You probably already notice we were able to drop the cost of the conference by $10 per delegate. We were able to do this by eliminating the meal at Six Flags Magic Mountain.
Seating: All groups fully registered by March 21 will be assigned seats according to the date of the first registered delegate from that church. If five or more delegates are added to the registration after March 21, the entire group may lose priority seating.
Lodging: Registration does not include lodging. Lodging options are listed here.
How should I dress?
Girls should wear modest, knee-length culottes or skirts for morning sessions and afternoon activities; knee-length skirts or dresses for dinner and evening services; no tight-fitting or low-cut clothing is permitted.
Guys should wear modest jeans or casual pants for the morning sessions and afternoon activities; T-shirts that advertise worldly items or lifestyles should not be worn; nice casual pants and collared shirts should be worn for dinner and evening services.
What do I need to bring?
Bring clothing for three days of exciting activities and preaching services, your Bible, a pen, bath articles, some spending money, a soft heart, and a good attitude.
What should I leave at home?
Leave your personal music player, bad language, cigarettes, alcohol, other worldly items, pranks, and a rebellious spirit.
Unfortunately I can’t leave my tattoos behind
I want to know what the girls are supposed to wear to Six Flags. Their pamphlet says “modest … culottes” but there is no such thing as a modest culotte on a roller coaster. No. Such. Thing.
So at the conference I have to behave and cover my knees, but once I get home I can listen to rock music, cuss, smoke, drink and short-sheet my brother’s bed while talking back to my parents. Gotcha.
Ah, boy mom, your gift for bringing back my own past is astounding…. 😉
I wonder if you wear shorts under the coulottes or skirt when you go to six flags, you would get in trouble when someone saw those instead of panties when you were on the roller coaster. 🙄
That conference is just a manipulative tool to register kids for their unaccredited “kawledge”.
LBC is totally cultic, and so far removed from the “main thing”…but they don’t even realize it. I feel sorry for those still caught up in that system of works sanctification.
Since I’m a girl, I shall wear my t-shirts that advertise worldly items and lifestyles and will still be within the dress code, since fundies are all about the letter of the law anyway.
Yes, like I always say, it’s about appearances. You have to make them look good, so they can get away with their wickedness.
Is it me, or does OMIFBPreacher write posts like he’s on his third day of a cocaine bender? Take it easy buddy. 😕
😉 / LIKE^
Comments are closed.
A silly blog dedicated to Independent Fundamental Baptists, their standards, their beliefs, and their craziness.
I think it’s nice that Darrell is only off for a bit. I for one sometimes feel that I am off COMPLETELY, and rumor has it that both Sims and I may be off our rockers.
So, incompletely off your rocker??
Yes, that is it, exactly. Like, sort of slipped sideways. 😉
Not a rumor. Verifiably undeniable.
Sadly, yes. I was just trying to give us the benefit of the doubt, but we may as well fess up. Which in itself, at least proves that we are EX-fundies. Fundies never fess up. 😀
Hope he has a good time.
I just hope that you are actually fishing and not going door to door. 😉
LOVE this! 😆
“I will make you FISHERS of MEN, FISHERS of MEN, FISHERS of MEN. I will make you FISHERS of MEN if you FOLLOWWWWWW MEEEEEE.” (That was an old song from the olden days. I hope you all recognized it and appreciated my computer singing skills. 😀
You just initiated a dreadful case of the D.T.’s in me, and I do not even DRINK!!!! AAAAAAGGHHHHHH….. 😛
I was trying NOT to remember songs like that….
Thanks a lot!
Somewhere in outer space
God has prepared a place…
I hear that the Witness Stick makes a good fishing rod… 🙂
See you soon. Have a good fishing trip. Wear plenty of sunscreen and never, ever eat a fishing worm, even if some dares you to. You will never live that down. Trust me.
Now I will have a chance to catch up on previous posts.
It’s a mission trip – he’s fishing for men.
Hope everything’s ok 🙂
Darrell, you only exist to provide us with entertainment. The monster must be fed. JK 😉
Darrell—look both ways, cross on green.
God Bless
Said I would “probably” never post on this site again. Now its a definite.
Please read my burden at this website link:
Thank you and please pray for my family and our ministry.
Justin, that was the most alliterated blog post I’ve ever read. I’m sure that Pope Massengale would be displeased with you being on this site. Amen? I went to Pee-View for a while. Thank God and his Grace that I escaped.
Ah silly Justin. Your timing couldn’t be worse. Darrell has taken a break and we find ourselves with little to do when you come along. It seems like you’re either trying to make yourself a martyr and glean sermon illustrations or drive traffic to your blog. Either way, we’ve heard every word you’d ever say to us. We’ve heard everything you know, contemplated it, and left that world. (And to varying degrees we’ve all been attacked by your people because of it) Don’t think you can bring anything new to the table. You’re probably not a bad guy, but you’re still not willing to question the system you’re so grieved that we’re attacking. 🙄
So you won’t participate here, but you want us to go read your blog. Here, I’ll sum up for folks: on that blog you tell us how the warriors and prophets of old behaved and acted as if you were there with firsthand knowledge, and condemn anyone that doesn’t preach the way you think they should preach. In fact, your whole post is one long condemnation of everyone that doesn’t conform to your ideas. For all the folks at SFL, it adds up to same circus, different clowns.
Soooo, you posted that you don’t want to post anymore? Isn’t that like going to someone’s house, walking in, and saying, “I am not coming here anymore.” Why didn’t you just not post, and then your not posting would have been fulfilled?
Funny thing is, I don’t even remember your ever posting here before (at least not regularly), so what difference did this even make? 😕
Joe – He commented on yesterday’s post. He’s not one of the “crazy” IFBers.
Check out his blog and listen to one of his messages if you feel like getting YELLED at.
Ok, I feel so sad that I missed that one. God knows that those “not-crazy IFBer’s” are soooo much better. 🙄
Your blog has nothing to do with Christianity.
And that about sums it up…
Observe the narcissist in his natural habitat. Not content to allow others to go on their way when he’s done talking, he must inform us that he’s done talking. That way, if we don’t see him post for a while, we’ll know it’s because HE SAID he’s not posting. Because, of course, all of us will be eagerly watching the board for another post by the Evangelist Justin Cox….
I, for one, will feel the emptiness of one unfulfilled each morning as I eagerly peruse and then frantically search for the comments from Evangelist Justin Cox and find none. Ohhh the aching of my poor mortal soul. Alas, poor me,I will abandon my efforts and find chocolate to soothe my troubled soul.
So much win
Agreed on so much win! But, don’t restrict your chocolate satisfaction to Justin!!! There is ALWAYS a GREAT reason for chocolate! 😉
I hate it when people give hints/teases about something then tell you to go read their blog. Yes, it will increase your traffic, but no I won’t do it.
I’ll admit. I fell to temptation and responded to his blog. Would love to hear your thoughts on my comment and his blog post. I tried to be gracious in my comment although that’s not how I felt 🙂 After leaving IFB after 20 years, I’m through with the spiritual abuse of being shouted at.
Good job Mark. I’m sure he’ll pray for you to see the error of your ways.
Apparently he’s not one for discussion. He removed my comment, which I felt was very respectful to him. I only questioned his belief that there’s one type of God-honoring preacher: a shouter.
Just a suggestion: if you have the last name of “Cox” you either shouldn’t try to be an evangelist or you should change your last name. I guarantee you get more people laughing at your name then listening to your preaching. Oh, and please don’t name your son Michael.
Justin Cox———never heard of him. My guess is, I never will.
Oooh, that’s right… because Moses had no problem with speaking boldly. He was immediately in favor of preaching and had no qualms about his strong preaching abilities. And Jonah waisted no time getting to Nineveh because he couldn’t wait to do God’s bidding, and didn’t worry for one SECOND about the result. Abraham was so against vile sin that he waited for God to give his wife a son.
Not to mention how Jesus Himself really tore into the sin of the woman caught in adultery and started throwing stones at her Himself.
It’s great that Prophets and Preachers of old were soooo skilled, rugged real men. It’s like they didn’t even need God! That must have been nice.
The last line still has me giggling. “That must have been nice.”. Classic. 😆 😉
I read it.
Two comments:
1) Are you implying that preachers today are inspired by God, or are in any way analogous to OT prophets?
2) Have you actually read the prophets? Most of them are not like you describe. You also forgot to mention things like preaching naked, eating dung, and going into captivity. I suspect these are not gimmicks we should emulate in your perverted understanding of pastoral ministry.
Have fun and enjoy a well earned break. I, for one, don’t know how you keep us stocked with reading material.
Fundies never leave Darrell lacking for material.
“Gone Fishing” is a “Sign of the Times” so that we don’t participate in “Hero Worship” but it won’t keep us from “Being Off” a bit. 🙄
I feel that this effort needs a comment. I will post one, when I come up with “le mot juste.”
Good luck!
Well, I will wait for you to come back because I have been enjoying your posts so I hope the absense is not too long. I don’t really come from a fundy background but their modernized cousins that like the prosperity gospel way too much and my pastor actually adressed the question of should women wear make up, at the pulpet, by saying “I have never seen a barn that couldn’t use some paint.” Some make up good and women can wear pants, as long as they are not, God forbid, from the men’s department. Still I see a lot of similarities and enjoy you blogs.
Every time I hear some condescending preacher say “If the barn needs painting, paint it,” referring to women and make up, I want to slap him HARD. Women are not barns you nitwit! 👿
I agree. It’s rude and crude, but if you object, you’re told that you have no sense of humor because it was “just a joke.”
I agree. Women are not barns. I have often joked though “that I heard a preacher say its a sin to wear make up, but I said to him, ‘preacher, its a sin for some women NOT to wear make up.'”
Just cuttin’ up and no ill intent. 😀
AND makeup is NOT something that we women need PERMISSION to wear! It is entirely a personal decision that, while sometimes is being done for the benefit of men, is NONE of their business. So don’t call me a barn and tell me to paint it. I will if I want to and I won’t if I don’t and MYOB! (Yeah, that one makes me mad too)
No, really, Sims, tell us how you REALLY feel! 😉 And I agree with you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.
Darn right! And @ skeptigirl, I know exactly what you mean. On my journey out of Fundystan I spent some time in a “liberal” Christian school (that’s not really all that liberal at all) with these tendencies. Women just can’t get a break in most Christian circles. 👿
Didn’t we see 4 new posts the last time Darrell announced that he was taking a week off? I’m looking forward to some “Vacation Revelations” 💡
I suspect that “vacation” and “pressing personal things” may be entirely different here. I would rather Darrel take care of his own stuff right now. We’ll survive, though we’ll miss him.
Enjoy your time off Darrell! It’s nice to be able to get away for a while to do other things…just don’t stay away for too long. 😉
Hey is this some sly way of you saying you’re off being a fisher of men?!? 😉
Now that you’ll be gone I realize just how much I’m gonna miss your posts. 😎
Maybe you could have PW or some of our other SFL sages do a guest post for you while you are away. Food for thought.
And I realize how much of an SFL junkie I am.
We need to find one of the OOOLD posts that only had a few comments and get a whole new discussion going about it!
Just go way back to the beginning. There are some great posts with fewer than 20 comments back in 2008-9. They should definitely be reposted now that we have a larger, more active commenting community these days.
Alright kids, Dad is away. Ice cream for breakfast!
Only if I get to put chocolate syrup on top too.
Anything with Bill Cosby is excellent. Plus it is helping me to get rid of the stupid song that Sims planted in my head above.
TOLJA that Sims is off her rocker. Okay, with Darrell away, can we also watch WHATEVER we want on TV? Because *I* want to watch something with evil toys in it, like My Little Pony… 😈
SMURFS? Now that may be going just a lee-tle too far, Sims!
OK, here’s some possible discussion material. I just came across this link. I don’t know the blogger, but since this article deals with an excerpt from one of our “favorite” SFL preachers I’m putting it up for consideration.
Discuss among ourselves. http://andynaselli.com/hyles-invitation
Ugh, ugh, ugh. I hate how deceptive invitations are. The pastor starts out promising you WON’T be embarrassed: nobody is looking! Nobody is watching! Just slip up a hand–I won’t embarrass you! But if you do end up dumb enough to raise your hand over whatever challenge is being presented, you are then told to get out of your seat and come forward while the whole church watches. Disgusting and manipulative, just like the blogger mentions. =\
Pastors and evangelists who do that are manipulative, deceiving LIARS. It is a lie to tell people you wn’t embarrass them and then end up saying, “If you don’t come forward NOW, you’re denying Christ before men and He’ll deny you before God.”
People sitting in church hearing this time after time learn to distrust the person speaking in the pulpit which is fine if he’s equating man’s traditions with Scripture but tragic if he’s telling people Jesus is the only way to heaven. If his listeners figure out that he lies, maybe they’ll think the part about Jesus is a lie too.
Years ago a friend of mine (Catholic) was visiting a church with his Baptist friends. The preacher asked every head to be bowed, etc., and then said, “Look up here………………..if you want to be saved.” He looked up during the pause, of course, while everyone else, knowing the trap, kept their head down. He snapped his head back down but the preacher targeted him for the next five minutes, berating “someone” who has been convicted to come up front. He said he didn’t know what to do, pretend to be saved? Walk out? Stay put? So like the prey when the predator is near, he held completely still and hoped the threat would pass.
Wow, Eric, I am glad you posted this, though re-reading it did bring unpleasant flashbacks. It is INCREDIBLE what I bought into, at one time in my life! Jack Hyles actually told me once that he envied my late pastor’s ability to give an invitation! In my late pastor’s defense, he was a good, faithful, sincere man, who died of cancer in 1980. He never lived long enough to see the debacle that was the TRUE Jack Hyles, and HAC, and he never really wanted me to GO to HAC in the first place. MAN! Jack Hyles was a freak and a sideshow one at that…. 👿
I have found the unpleasant memories come when I least expect them. Or rather that sometimes I am disturbed by what I least expect. Case in point, I just recently have been listening to Shaun Groves amazing new album, “Third World Symphony” (if nothing else go listen to Kingdom Coming http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DZaIE8jbwY&feature=related ) Anyway, on the album he reworks the hymn Just As I Am, adding new lyrics and changing things up a bit. It’s really well done and I like it, but I can’t listen to it. I actually deleted it from my mp3 player because as soon as it came on I got flashbacks and the twitching started due to the 1000’s of times I was force fed that song during man’s manipulations they call invitations.
I remember (in either a music class or Church Ed class) being taught that the tempo of each song is designed to cause an emotional response in the congregation,etc etc and I remember thinking, “How is THAT helpful to the soul?” I think they believe that if they can evoke an emotional reaction to the very carefully planned service that the “decision” made will trick God into accepting a person’s actions to salvation. I do believe God has that one figured out though.
Pretty awful: I’m starting to understand that “practical” in JH-speak means “without the Spirit of God” — He was not mentioned anywhere in that writing (that I recall). It was all about how to manipulate people into making decisions.
Lots of BOOs for teaching people that saying a prayer will “save” them; salvation isn’t a matter of saying magic words (kind of like casting a spell).
Great now i have to re-engage and insert myself back into the real world.
Hope you enjoy your time off. I know that it’s a big job to keep up the content on the blog. We all need time to disengage.
Thanks again for providing us ex-fundies a place to vent, to laugh, and to engage in interesting conversations. 🙂
When you get back I would love to know your thoughts/opinions on this:
Hope your time off is rewarding
Do we have to be Darrell to give our thoughts/opinions on it?
Already a discussion of this on the Forum:
Yup. I had a lot to say on that one.
No…. Darrell… Just no. I mean, I can take a break from the pc and SFL and so can everyone else on here, but YOU may NOT.
You must always be here, regardless if anyone else is or not, because you’re classified as a universal constant.
So, nope, sorry, not gonna work.
(seriously though, hope all is well)
Wow, Natalie, I am so glad to see your name and your little gingham picture thingy again! I was seriously worried. 🙂
Thanks 😉
I’ve been on and off here the last weeky computer doesn’t like me so I’m having to go mobile.
WEEK! Damn autocorrect.
I had iPad trouble last night, and today, until a mere child, at the Apple store, kindly told me I simply need to sync my iPad. He was very very kind about it though. He is my children’s age. Sigh.
Oh good, Natalie’s back! I’ve missed your insight & butt cushions.
To seen enough, I read on here some where that you were a dorm supervisor at HAC in the mid 80s. I went there for 1 year 85/86. Wondering if I would remember you. Were you there in 85/86? I can’t even remember the name/number of the dorm floor I stayed on. I do recall being on the main floor at the end of the main hallway close to the infirmory and I believe the ‘post office’ was right there too close to the door to the dorm floor I stayed on.
Wow, what a trip, and I was just thinking, this morning, how much I loved your screen name! I was dorm supe, yes, in that wing, but on the bottom floor, the year BEFORE. The year YOU mention, I was a new bride, still on faculty, but no, not in the dorms any more, thank the Lord! 🙂
Were you a teacher the year I was there? My name is Monica, maiden name Elwell. I was on the work scholorship program, I carried a full load and worked the bus ministry….so busy. I was a quiet young lady, barely noticable until I was asked on a spur to be in a skit in chapel as dateless Debbi. Glad I didn’t go back.
I was! I would only have known you if I had you in a class. I taught English and Ed. classes. I know exactly what you mean when you describe your life there, as I did it for four interminable years, as a dorm girl on work scholarship and bus ministry also, in the late seventies. Yet thank God, here we both are, survivors! Bless you, I am SO glad you did not go back!!!
I remember taking a sewing class (probably because of all the frustrations of not getting the zipper perfect in the skirt project). I remember the Bible class with Schapp. I remember taking an English course, but I don’t recall anything significant except the teacher was a nice young lady, if I remember correctly she sang solos at Hyles church frequently, was that you?
THAT WAS HER!!! She had dark, wavy hair, right? And she sang in little groups with other girls. Lovely singing voice.
I knew it 😀 I adored you, so glad to have run into you here and glad that you found your way out of the fundy delussional world. I would recognize you in an old picture. If I remember correctly, you were in the church choir too, I noticed you and paid a lot of attention to you, you were my role model and you never knew it.
SCREECHING HALT! NOT me! I had long dark hair, yes, but did NOT sing solos, and was NOT in the choir. I know exactly who you mean, I THINK; is it Judy Hobbes? At my last briefing, she is still very much a fundy, BUT! My last briefing was many years ago, so let us hope! Or it MAY be Donna Gipson, who has a different last name now, I think….
In fact, the more I think about your statement that she was in the church choir, I am almost certain it is Donna Gipson.
Anyway, I am only ever a role model for rowdies. Look at Sims. 😉
YEAAAAHHHHH… Actually when I was there we were both very good and well behaved. We were only rowdy on the inside in the very deepest recesses of the heart. But I think maybe *I* was the role model. Don’t you agree?
Yes. You were definitely the one with your head screwed on straight. I was drinking the kool-aid. 😳
My kool-aid was spiked, I was never sober or in my right mind all those years.
*What?* You are taking time off here? If you wouldn’t mind, please bring a note from your doctor when you return. Thank you. (Was it just my church or did doctor’s notes seem to be highly esteemed, right up there with the KJV in infallibility.) It was undeniable PROOF that you were NOT out having fun when you missed Wednesday night prayer meeting, you were actually suffering and would be grudgingly excused.
Wait, I’m sorry, for missing a CHURCH SERVICE you needed a doctor’s note? I would have brought them a note all right, and then demonstrated TO them where it should go…. 👿
In mine, they took attendance with little cards that you had to fill out. (If you were a visitor you got a different card.) There was a woman in the office who kept track of who had missed a certain number of times in a row. You had to have a good excuse for missing. When I had my wisdom teeth out I don’t remember how many services I missed, but I got a phone call. And it wasn’t a “How are you feeling? We have been praying for you.” call either.
Oh. My. Word.
How about a note from the psychologist/psychiatrist that you were in counseling session that went into overtime because of all of the problems??

Those names don’t ring a bell. Maybe I am associating the English teacher to the lady who sang because of some similarities.
I am extremely hesitant to post my name here, because lo, these many years later, I still occasionally get creepy letters from Hammond.
Do you really? That’s okay, I understand. You can Facebook me if you want, name is Monica Weimer. I don’t care, I have turned into a fiesty one, if IFB has taught me anything it was to know how to give challenges, now I don’t give them, I take them.
I will! As soon as I figure out which of the nine Monica Weimers you are, on FB!
I am a Fundy and glad to be one, though probably not as carbon copy fundy as most here are already so arrogantly and ignorantly convinced (go ahead, use my opening to “tear me to shreds”!!!
I have observed that many of you are as if not MMMOORRREEE hateful and sarcastically insulting than most of the cookie cutter fundies out in goober land. Oops, did i spell more in all caps with triple letters??? Uh oh, what ammo that will be for the brightest children here!
Anyways, my “name” is OMIFBPreacher because, contrary to observed popular opinion, i am a very open minded Independent Fundamental Baptist Preacher of nearly two decades preaching the Blessed Holy Bible… And you guessed it!!! The only Bible for english speaking people (have at it brightest of brights): the King James Translation.
I am open minded in terms of being willing to hear out what others have to say concerning the “issues” so widely and rampantly spewed on this site. My goal is genuinely threefold: 1. Strengthen my faith through discussion NOT argument. 2. Receive light on subjects i may genuinely be wrong about. (i can almost hear your hands rubbing together). 3. Help some wayward and hurting precious saint regain his/her lost faith and or stand.
I am ashamed of much of what we all call fundamentalism and have for years been one of the first to point out our flaws, faults, failures and fleshly foolishnesses (alliterated for your own slamming enjoyment). My list of grievances against most IFBers is long and growing weekly.
I have never ever ever no ever never never attended a Sword of the Bored Convention for most of the pesters who are guilty of attempted preaching at that mess cannot preach their way through a soggy waffle, though a couple of them are genuine men of God.
I have never, by Gods protection and mercy, “led (a soul) to the LORD at the gas pump” or any such drivel. I am vehemently against the salvation minus conviction, repentance and regeneration club.
On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on i could go and go and go and go and go about how i (really the Bible) disagree(s) with lost of IFBism and fundy pom pom junk.
However, i am immovably an IFB preacher and i believe in clean holy separated living, passionate loud AND quiet preaching, modesty in both men and womens dress and appearance, submission of wives to thier husbands and wel, on and on and on and on….
My question for now to all is this: What is the ultimate purpose and or goal of this website and all its goings on? Come on now, be perfectly and completely honest before God and man…. Just like you blame many fundies for thier faults, what would most of them say and think about this blog? Would it help them see the light, the way you all so Jesus like talk about them? Would it bring them under deep conviction for the err of thier ways? Hmmmmm, on second thought, what do you think Jesus Christ the Righteous thinks of this site and all its contributors?
Cant wait to get the ball rolling.
Hey, man. This is mainly a humor site, so I would hope that Jesus would (does) laugh at it a little. Most of us are believers who were harshly treated, abused, brainwashed or a combonation of all three in the IFB world. Many of us are still believers, some of us are not. The goal of SFL is not to convert IFBr’s to being ex-IFBr’s. I would venture to say that some of us do that on our own time with our own friends and families who are still trapped in the cult that is IFB. I for one don’t ask my fundy friends and family to check out SFL. That’s not what it’s for. We are here to support each other, laugh, cry and heal. This site has helped me to move on past a lot of fundy baggage, some of which I didn’t know I still carried around. If you came here to argue, there are many who will oblige you on that. I think that’s what you want or you wouldn’t have inserted that little bit about the KJV. You immediately negated the “open minded” part of your username. Even Jesus has stopped using and quoting the KJV. Anyway, let me wrap up this ramble: Feel free to read past posts, laugh a little, make yourself comfortable.. but be warned of this: if you came here to judge us for the liberty that we’ve found in Christ, don’t be crying when your lambasted by some people who are tired of that kind of shit. If we want that, we know where to download the MP3’s.
I absolutely do not share this site with people I know who are fundamentalists. It’s not for them. The approach, the humor, the comments – they would be offended or shocked (I know I would have been!) I only tell people about this site if they have already left fundamentalism because they are ready to laugh and share and comfort and exhort each other about the distortions of Biblical truth that we experienced while in IFB churches and/or homes.
Heck, I was a little offended when I first started reading this site and I was already out of fundamentalism.
This blog post sums up issues I have with fundamentalism and does so seriously and sincerely without the sarcasm and scorn that can be so off-putting to some:
Thanks, PW, I’ll check it out. I read SFL for a couple of weeks the first time, made a couple of comments, but left because I felt like it was as judgmental as the fundies.
I eventually came back and have been loving it ever since. Not really sure what changed but it doesn’t bother me any more. 😀
Let me briefly share my heart.
1. I am truly and deeply hurtbu the hurtsmany of you have endured and the hands of sinful men in the IFB world. Trust me, my heart goes out to the abusedof all fashions, and the just plain wore out and disgusted students of the Bible who happened to think for themselves and see the man major flaws in the small corner of fundyism they were exposed to. Yes, i said small corner. You aint seen it all or younwoild not be a part of this GAURENTEE.
2. if i “negate” my claim of openmindedness by taking a firm and open stand on the KJT then i have deeper feelings of sorrow for the silliness, ignorance and just plain weirdness of your way of thinking. Duh duh duh duh duh…. Is it not possible to be close minded about matters i am sure of while at the same time open minded to matters i myself may be still searchung and seeking on? Come now, givea guy a break and be real. You about make me sick with “logic” like that.
3.your use of fouk langues communicates volumes of the “liberty” you have found in The Holy Spirit since leaving the “cult”.
4. I will not even comment on your reference to the IFB “cult”. Wait, i think i just did. Oh no, deleteall that!
Good day.
This is totally immature, but sometimes I get this way. His misspelling of the word “foul” looks like it’s the Old English spelling of another four letter word. Hahahaha! 😆
If you want to know what the ultimate purpose and goal of this website is, take some time and read all of the old posts and more importantly, the comments.
Most of us here have experienced either mental abuse, spritual abuse or physical abuse at the hands of so-called Godly IFBs. Here we have a place to share stories, laugh, cry and laugh some more.
What is interesting is that the IFB pushed me away from God. Since I have been coming here, I have learned that God is not the big heavy in the sky just waiting for me to miss a Wednesday night service or not pray as much or read my bible as much as the man-worshipped IFB preacher so He can hit me over the head. I have found that through the comments of many of the posters, I am being drawn back to God. I have read more of the Bible (all different versions) than ever before.
I have a question for you……how do you think Jesus would think of your separated standards that you are so proud of? Would he think you were like him, or more like the Pharisees?
To answer your “question”. I belive Jesus is pleased with my endeavors to be seperated because of the fact that i am not as proud of my standards as you think i am. You took a risk by assuming such, and i rebuke your arrogance in doing so. I AM sorry you were hurt by idiots, but belive me, many in my “camp” are genuine seekers of God who take no confidencein the flesh, but still have enoughsence. To obey God and seek to be holy in all manner of conversation. What is so wrong to you people about clear cut and obviousbblical principles of sanctification to God and separation from the world and fleshliness. You sicken me.
Good day.
Brother, I use to live like you and I truly believed that my standards of being seperate totally won favor with God. Except, that the harder I tried to keep with the checklists that people made up as “being seperate” ….the more I couldn’t keep them. I could do a thousand things right in one day and do one thing wrong and I begged and pleaded not only for forgivness, but for God’s favor.
Then GRACE…God’s GRACE embraced me. I tried to make Scripture agree with me and my checklists….but it did not.
Preacher, my brother, Jesus is pleased with you because you are His CHILD. You’ve trusted Him to be you Savior. He loves you and is happy with you-just the way you are. (I know, I know the checklist is not happy about this) All of God’s wrath and anger at our sin…was satisfied at the CROSS.
Now, about the sanctification part….. Our life will be one of a journey to perfect sanctification. But it’s NOT US MANUFACTURIING IT. It’s God. (that’s a hard one and it took me a while to get it) But as the Scripture says “He who began a good work in you…. will complete it” Let Jesus work in your heart. Besides…. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith…NOT US. (Hebrews) Now you may be wondering what about me? Where is my personal responsibility???? As a true child of God who really gets how much He loves us – love comes natural (not manufactured) You will wake up in the morning saying… God how can I love you back?! ( I mean who loves us like God? So unconditional…not performance based. It’s not the norm)
It’s all about the heart my brother, nothing more, nothing less.
When the religious leaders of the day (who loved to make rules and add rules so that they wouldn’t even come close to breaking any of God’s laws) asked Jesus “What is the greatest commandment?”
He simply replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, your strength. (then He throws them a freebie) Love your neighbor as yourself” Following Jesus = Loving God, Loving everybody.
I hope you have freedom, and you feel the kiss of grace on you life dear one. It’s absolutely beautiful!
Beautifully said, Sara. I want to cross stitch that on to a pillow. Word for word. Thank you for that.
Sara, it funny that you dont realize that that is precicely how i feel and live my life. I have standards and am seperated for the right reasons. Guess what, its possible to have it your way and mine. You just dont get it though do you?
Either you are the most self-deluded individual I have met in a long time, or you are a liar. Or possibly some combination of both. Either way, I am not falling for it. Your posts are hateful, overbearing and out of place here. And here is a verse for you right out of your favorite version of the Bible. “Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not charity (love) I become as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.”
@Sims LOL about the cross stitch pillow!!! Thank you for the encouragment!
Good verse btw!
Brother, I do get it. It’s not about my way or your way. It’s about the beauty of Jesus and His redemption of us.
Best to you!
I like sara. Whats wrong with being BIBLICALLY “old fashined” and truly separated unto God and from the world for GODS pleasure?
I HATE the HAYMAN drivel. 🙂
I shall refrain from any “Hay-Mens” while communicating with you! 😆
I do have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind answering them….I’m not asking out of sarcasm or trying to be rude. I’m just very curious of your beliefs. Feel free not to answer or feel free to ask any of your own!
Would you mind explaining what being Biblically “old fashioned” means to you?
How important is it to be Biblically “old fashioned” ?
Also, I am interested in knowing what you feel really defines you as Christian.
Beautiful and succinct definition of grace, thanks Sara.
@Discovering Life TY, Friend
OK, I’ll take the bait. Like fifthsunday and Scorpio said, this is a place for us to come and laugh about what we have come out of. You know that verse about a merry heart being like a good medicine? That would be a good reason.
It also gives some of us a chance to share some of the crap that we’ve been through during our time in fundamentalism. I just had the chance to share my experience helping a fellow student leave a fundy college and the repercussions I faced. The responses to the post were very encouraging to me.
Frankly sir, you bore me and I’m only responding to call you out. I’ve seen your kind before and it doesn’t work with me or most of the other regulars on this board. Don’t state that you’re open minded and then list the reasons where you are not. Don’t come saying you are looking for “discussion” and start you side of the “discussion” by firing off a few shots at the posters. Don’t say that you’re “ashamed at much of fundamentalism” and continue to call yourself one. Don’t come calling us arrogant and ignorant while you display both traits throughout your challenge.
You bore me because I saw you for what you are in seconds and I moved on from your kind of “discussion” a long time ago. If you actually and sincerely want honest dialogue, then check your attitude at the door and come with real questions.
Predictable. You bore yourself son. You managed to contradict yourself and me with many of your statements. You did not read with an open mind. You are like most others: embraced some truths at the expense of others. Honestly, you fit in better with the mainline fundies better than you realize.
Good day.
. . . stretches . . . yawns . . . moving on 😐
Eric, don’t you love how the biggest insult he can think to give us is that we are like fundies?
@Sims Few things put me off quicker than someone calling me “son”. It is one of those words that just carries condescension and judgmentalism with it. Oh well.
He called me a child. I bet I am old enough to be his mother.
Sims, you know I just put my finger on what really put me off about this guy. In his first letter he calls us children. That’s not so bad, but he continues to list all of the “I never’s” that he has never done. That’s what put me off the most about him, but it didn’t click in my head until just now why. He reminds me of Luke 18:9-14. I know how bad I am and I freely admit my own faults, doubts, and sins. It may not always be here on SFL, but I do in real life. His attitude of “thank God I’m not like them” is some of the most tangible fruit a true fundamentalist bears. I’ve long argued that if Christ began His earthly ministry today that the scribes and pharisees that He would be calling out would be in the IFB, but I wouldn’t be far behind. The difference is that I know I need His grace and that’s not because I’m smarter than them or because I’ve got it figured out. Nope, it’s because He has granted grace to me when I was least deserving. Oh taste and see that He is good! (stepping off of pulpit now)
Honestly Mr. Preacher I have my doubts that you’re here for genuine discussion and being an “open minded” IFB preacher is almost an oxymoron. Well, if you want to have a discussion maybe we could start with 1) do you have an honorary doctorate?, 2) give invitations?, and 3) practice tithing?
I think i like you
NO NO NO earned or honorary doctorate. Thats a sermon series in itself. THANK YOU. FOR ASKING .sorry about the caps
I have preached against “invitations” for years. If the preaching of the truth does not ilicit change, not emotional prodding by mans flesh will.
I refrain from robbing God by giving BOTH tithes AND offerings. I preach that if you only give 10% you are in violation of scripture for the offering was commanded on top of and apart from the tithe. I already know youare gonna sling out the “that was old testamentisrael” or whatever else. Let me predictthat we wont budge each other. I have studied it indepth and preached it for years. Moving on…..
I have studied it in depth as well…probably more so than you and am totally convinced that modern-day tithing is unbiblical. Malachi 3:8 is probably the most abused, taken-out-of context, verse in the Bible.
I disagree with you on both counts, but like i said, moving on…..
I understand if you don’t want to discuss it further. Finally realizing the truth about something like tithing can be daunting, especially when you practice it for many, many years, and in your case teach it to your congregation. It can be hard to admit you were wrong, especially when this practice is clearly taught in the New Testament, was practiced by the early church, and because there are many examples of it throughout church history…well scratch those last three.
pom pom is a brand of omegranate juice for sale at Stop & Shop
Wow, Guys, roll the ball the other way. I make it a habit to leave trolls alone.
Did you go around picking fights in elementary school, too?
“Come at me, bro!!” 🙄
OMIFBPreacher, I read about the first paragraph or so of your comment and for some reason I felt like I was back in my old church getting mind-screwed all over again. I don’t even want to go back up and try to read the rest because (here we go) your arrogance and condesention comes through your typed words overpowering anything you might be TRYING to say there. You fit the mold of “Fundamentalist Preacher” to a T and I don’t believe for one second that you are open minded at all. I have no intention of arguing with you about anything here. I actually have a pastor who loves me and I feel sorry for whoever it is you have conned into being in your flock. Thanks for stopping by though, to remind me of all that I was rescued from.
My “arrogance and condecention” was only becasue i want to badly to fit i with you and most others i have read on here? You non fundyism discernment didnt tell you that right off? Child, you need to comehome and eat a big bowl of horse sence. You crushed yourself by arguing with me and pretty much calling me a liar when you said you didntwant to argue. Too funny, too typical and very VERY fundyish. Bummer for you, Jackson, you are more stuck with “us” than you know!
Thanks for the laugh.
Good day.
My “arrogance and [1] condecention” was only [2] becasue i want to badly to fit i with you and most others i have read on here? You non fundyism discernment [3] didnt tell you that right off? Child, you need to [4] comehome and eat a big bowl of horse [5] sence. You crushed yourself by arguing with me and pretty much calling me a liar when you said you [6] didntwant to argue. Too funny, too typical and very VERY fundyish. Bummer for you, Jackson, you are more stuck with “us” than you know!
Thanks for the laugh.
Good day.
1. condecention
2. becasue
3. didnt
4. comehome
5. sence
6. didntwant
7. umm … grammar much?
8. umm …. punctuation much?
@Shoes I miss you when you get busy and don’t comment as often and I want you to know how much you’re loved.
Also, his second sentence starts with the word “you” when it should be “your”.
Thanks guys. I didn’t even know where to begin to replay to that. Should have gone with the obvious. Also, who is Jackson?
After spending the summer in Nepal, studying with a Tibeten Flippigation master, I will attempt to show OMFG-Preacher deviousness. Using Shoes Codex of Flippigation This is the standard A=1; B=2; … Z=26 number Codex. I will transmorgiphy “OMIFBPreacher” into numbers. Notice the two separate portions of his alleged name. one is written in all caps. The other is written in lowercase letters, and we will separate them as such. Amen for Separation!
OMIFBP = (15,13,9,6,2,16) = (61) because of the CAP lock extravaganza we will multiply the sum x 10. Sum of Cap Lock Rage = 610
reacher = (18,5,1,3,8,5,18) = (58) with the addition of the lower case and upper case we arrive at … 668. notice the repeated “r” in the lower case number string.
“R” has a value of 18.
1+8 = 9
9 upsidedown is a 6, so we need to remove two Units of Evil
668 – 2 = 666
And there you go. He’s the devil.
Jackson must be some kind of derogatory term. I’m guessing it’s an old one considering he likes to use ‘sonny’ a lot. Maybe I can find it in my college handbook’s list of disallowed terms. 🙄
@Shoes That’s what I’ve been waiting for!!!! 😀
SHOOOOOOOOES!!! I miss you!!!
Jackson… Jackson…. isn’t that the name of Hanna Montanna’s brother on the show?
(I have a daughter under 10yrs old, is the only reason I know this)
I do know an independent baptist preacher who is an awesome guy. By all accounts not a bit legalistic, or man-centered, or outward-centered, or anything like that. Not a Hyles worshipper or belonging to any particular “camp” (BJU, PCC, HAC, etc). He’s just a great preacher who happens to believe the things Baptists traditionally believed in without all the legalistic trappings modern IFB ones have.
So it is possible. But he is truly independent. Not sure why I felt the need to share that….
I am with you 100%. Most IFBers shou,d label themselves DEPENDANT BaBBBtists. I bet i woild love your friend, if i dont already know him. IT IS POSSIBLE TO BE HOLY AND HUMBLE. I fail too often, but it is my desire.
Not sure why I’m replying to OMIFBP seriously. But to put it in fundy-speak, SFL has actually been a tremendous blessing to me. I like to think of SFL as an unofficial court jester, treating difficult topics with humor and revealing truths along the way. I think it’s important for people to have a space where they can engage in really open, honest discussion and say what they need to. Many of them have been censored all their lives, and this is a safe space where they can actually work through their ideas. It’s part blog, part therapy. Some people are in different stages in life or their spiritual walk. Engaging on this blog helps them think, get their thoughts out there, and put their life and values in perspective.
Anyways, it’s the Internet. Try not to take comments by strangers personally.
I’d say Darrell picked the wrong week to take off. Between our open minded preacher friend and the humble Mr. Cox, he is missing so much.
Your opening sentence reminds me of the movie Airplane (and your avatar is clear that you know it well) “I picked the wrong week to quit drinking.”
The trolls were waiting for Darrell to leave so that they could come out. Darrell, please return to save us.
I say it is Darrell, screwing with us. That would be rich.
Darrell is a pretty cool guy. eh makes funny blogs and doesn’t afaid of anything
Darrell aint nvr sk’rd
I like that there weren’t many responses to Pastor Oxymoron. Imagine how frustrating that is that not too many wanna take your bait…
I like how you wererefreshed to be one of the few and the (genuinely) proud.
My hats off to you sonny.
Good day.
i think OMIFBPreacher is a pretty cool guy. eh knows english good and doesnt afaid of anything
Sonny? Lacking a pretty major piece of anatomy to be a sonny… But I guess you had a 50/50 chance…
Best wishes for our Benevolent Dictator and his family while he is away.
Hey, as mentioned earlier, let’s take a vote to go back to an old deserving post that didn’t get much action back in the day. I’m newer to this SFL and there are years of posts we could check out.
Is anyone game?
I’m in even though I’ve been here since right after the beginning. Anyone know how we can locate the first post and start there?
I like that idea. I don’t think we need a vote though. Just pick one and comment on it. (Maybe a couple times.) We can find you through the “recent comments” part of the site.
Sweet! I’ll go snooping 😀
I think November 2008–maybe the Dutch Blitz posting? I’ve seen Sims and Seen Enough playing in the comments back there. 😆
I am a Fundy and glad to be one, though probably not as carbon copy fundy as most here are already so arrogantly and ignorantly convinced (go ahead, use my opening to “tear me to shreds”!!!
I have observed that many of you are as if not MMMOORRREEE hateful and sarcastically insulting than most of the cookie cutter fundies out in goober land. Oops, did i spell more in all caps with triple letters??? Uh oh, what ammo that will be for the brightest children here!
Anyways, my “name” is OMIFBPreacher because, contrary to observed popular opinion, i am a very open minded Independent Fundamental Baptist Preacher of nearly two decades preaching the Blessed Holy Bible… And you guessed it!!! The only Bible for english speaking people (have at it brightest of brights): the King James Translation.
I am open minded in terms of being willing to hear out what others have to say concerning the “issues” so widely and rampantly spewed on this site. My goal is genuinely threefold: 1. Strengthen my faith through discussion NOT argument. 2. Receive light on subjects i may genuinely be wrong about. (i can almost hear your hands rubbing together). 3. Help some wayward and hurting precious saint regain his/her lost faith and or stand.
I am ashamed of much of what we all call fundamentalism and have for years been one of the first to point out our flaws, faults, failures and fleshly foolishnesses (alliterated for your own slamming enjoyment). My list of grievances against most IFBers is long and growing weekly.
I have never ever ever no ever never never attended a Sword of the Bored Convention for most of the pesters who are guilty of attempted preaching at that mess cannot preach their way through a soggy waffle, though a couple of them are genuine men of God.
I have never, by Gods protection and mercy, “led (a soul) to the LORD at the gas pump” or any such drivel. I am vehemently against the salvation minus conviction, repentance and regeneration club.
On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on i could go and go and go and go and go about how i (really the Bible) disagree(s) with lost of IFBism and fundy pom pom junk.
However, i am immovably an IFB preacher and i believe in clean holy separated living, passionate loud AND quiet preaching, modesty in both men and womens dress and appearance, submission of wives to thier husbands and wel, on and on and on and on….
My question for now to all is this: What is the ultimate purpose and or goal of this website and all its goings on? Come on now, be perfectly and completely honest before God and man…. Just like you blame many fundies for thier faults, what would most of them say and think about this blog? Would it help them see the light, the way you all so Jesus like talk about them? Would it bring them under deep conviction for the err of thier ways? Hmmmmm, on second thought, what do you think Jesus Christ the Righteous thinks of this site and all its contributors?
Cant wait to get the ball rolling.
What’s the matter? Did you not get enough attention the first time you posted it?
I see George is having as much fun with this guy as he does with the rest of us. 😎
Wait, the more I think about it, the more I think I just insulted George. Sorry, dude. 🙁
This guy would definitely benefit from your regular job though.
I think this guy is totally gay for George right now.
This clown’s a walking caricature. I call Poe’s Law.
Y’all being trolled, hear?
Do not feed the trolls.
I’m starting to think that Mr. Openminded is really just Darrell messing with us. I mean come on, copying and pasting the first post. Who would do that? This guy can’t be for real.
Think again 😛
Mr. Poe?
$10 says his name is John or Jonathan.
I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
This happened once before where we all got scammed. I think it might have been KindofBored, maybe? That was many months ago and my memory is not what it used to be.
No matter who it is, they are not an IFB preacher. We have been had.
I agree Scorpio. If it is not Darrell, I will donate $100 to the site. Darrell, ball is in your court.
It’s not me.
I really have been busy elsewhere. 🙂
ETA: And a quick check of the e-mail and IP address show that it’s not anybody else who posts here unless they’ve taken pains to disguise themselves.
Damn, I should have know better. Funds coming promptly.
I wish I were this good.
I’ve been thinking the same thing. We’ve been had. The Gone Fishing was just a ruse. Darrell is OMIFBPreacher.
:). :). 🙂
Is that an affirmative?
Maybe the sign should have read “Gone Trolling”.
Oh great! If Darrell is OMIFBPreacher this only fuels the paranoia issues that I picked up from Fundyland. “Trust No One” 😮
That’s funny Sara, I thought the same thing.
@Monipenny LOL!!!
Howz it pheel to be HAD?!?!?!? 😈
Oh Preacher, we’re used to it. We’re just on the other side of it now and it doesn’t get to us any more (speaking for myself anyway). I am sure other ex-fundies agree.
If that’s true, it pheels like you’re an idiot.
This is good, think I’ll get another beer and some pretzels.
Thought I’d weigh in. Here is an excerpt from my “Reformation Manifesto:”
That was my official divorce from the Independent, Fundamental, Baptist cult.
“now that ought to get the ball rolling” 🙄
Wow. {Sidesteps rolling ball} That was great!
Lol. You guys have even more fun on here than I even thought.
Seen enough,
Just checked, there’s 2 with my name on Facebook, I am the second one.
I got way more than two! West Holmes ring a bell?
Check your FB messages, please.
To Omifbpreacher: I can honestly say (and I’m sure I’m not the only one) that I have been more hurt but those who thought they were different from “cookie cutter” IFB and considered themselves to not be arrogant and proud. First off, it was much easier to see through the bullshit of those openly arrogant and obnoxious. The ones who really hurt me are the ones who hid it well. Their arrogance and pharisee attitude didn’t come out until I was in desperate need of help and starting to walk away from God. I believe they truly meant well in all of their beliefs, my parents included, but to this day they cannot see how damaging their actions and way of thinking was and still is. I am just now realizing and starting to sort thru all of the baggage that growing up in that crap has caused me to accumulate. I know my parents thought they were doing right but that doesn’t fix what is broken. In fact its another hurdle to get over simply because they don’t see what they’ve done to their children. I believe my parents are genuine christians and they love God with all their heart but that doesn’t make their actions any less hurtful. I know they will never see me as a “good christian” who is following God simply because I have some beliefs that they don’t agree with. You have the right to a different belief just like anyone else but don’t come here and say that you hurt for those of us that were hurt by the IFB and then turn on that same arrogant attitude and belittle us. You may consider yourself “not the cookie cutter IFB” but you have proved yourself every bit as arrogant and condescending as the rest of them.
Yes, and AMEN! I will not reply to Arrogant Preacher directly. He is not worth it. But your response was absolutely what I would have said if I were going to.
The attitude of “I-have-the-greater-knowledge-and-truth” and yet the profession of “I am not like those other guys” made my head spin. I now live in the truth. I barely remember my time in the darkness. Every now and then I get a glimpse of that darkness and remember. Such was the case when I read Arrogant Preacher’s posts. You will never convince a know-it-all narccicist of anything. It is best to just put them behind you and keep rejoicing in the truth!
I promise that in the eyes of God you are as arrogant as you view me
Pray for me
No. In the eyes of God I am pure, and clean and without blemish. God sees me as He sees His Son. I am sorry that you don’t understand that.
A real understanding of God’s Grace eludes the legalists of the IFB. The one west coast fundy pastor I personally heard preach a series on grace totally perverted it.
IFB pastor anyone?
Just though i would have a bit of fun. I am nobody of consequence. Just an, uh, observer! Dont knwo which side i am on really. I want the Bible way! Sorry for all the strife lol it was fun!!!!!
Well played sir. You had us for awhile. This was the comment that made me suspicious:
Nobody can misspell Baptists that way inadvertantly. 😆
I woikd absolutely LOVE to see what everyone here has to say about this…
(it makes me so sick i wont even comment for now)….
The following is the “Conference details) for the West Coast BaBBBtist youth control, I MEAN, conference…enjoy!
Conference Details:
Conference Schedule: The conference begins at 7pm (doors open at 6pm) April 11, and ends at noon April 13.
Registration: begins at noon on Wednesday, April 11.
WCBC Classes: Seniors will have the option of attending WCBC classes.
Cost: $70 per person if registered before March 21. You may register online or by phone. Payment is not due until you arrive at the conference. Registrations received after March 21 will be $75 per person. Registration cost includes meals listed below, handouts, and all activities (including a trip to Six Flags).
If you prefer not to attend the Six Flags activity, you can register for $55 before March 21 and $60 thereafter.
Meals: The following meals are included in the price of registration:
Wednesday evening pizza provided following the evening service
Thursday Breakfast provided
Thursday lunch provided to-go
Thursday dinner not provided*
Friday breakfast provided
New Friday lunch provided to-go
*You probably already notice we were able to drop the cost of the conference by $10 per delegate. We were able to do this by eliminating the meal at Six Flags Magic Mountain.
Seating: All groups fully registered by March 21 will be assigned seats according to the date of the first registered delegate from that church. If five or more delegates are added to the registration after March 21, the entire group may lose priority seating.
Lodging: Registration does not include lodging. Lodging options are listed here.
How should I dress?
Girls should wear modest, knee-length culottes or skirts for morning sessions and afternoon activities; knee-length skirts or dresses for dinner and evening services; no tight-fitting or low-cut clothing is permitted.
Guys should wear modest jeans or casual pants for the morning sessions and afternoon activities; T-shirts that advertise worldly items or lifestyles should not be worn; nice casual pants and collared shirts should be worn for dinner and evening services.
What do I need to bring?
Bring clothing for three days of exciting activities and preaching services, your Bible, a pen, bath articles, some spending money, a soft heart, and a good attitude.
What should I leave at home?
Leave your personal music player, bad language, cigarettes, alcohol, other worldly items, pranks, and a rebellious spirit.
Unfortunately I can’t leave my tattoos behind
I want to know what the girls are supposed to wear to Six Flags. Their pamphlet says “modest … culottes” but there is no such thing as a modest culotte on a roller coaster. No. Such. Thing.
So at the conference I have to behave and cover my knees, but once I get home I can listen to rock music, cuss, smoke, drink and short-sheet my brother’s bed while talking back to my parents. Gotcha.
Ah, boy mom, your gift for bringing back my own past is astounding…. 😉
I wonder if you wear shorts under the coulottes or skirt when you go to six flags, you would get in trouble when someone saw those instead of panties when you were on the roller coaster. 🙄
That conference is just a manipulative tool to register kids for their unaccredited “kawledge”.
LBC is totally cultic, and so far removed from the “main thing”…but they don’t even realize it. I feel sorry for those still caught up in that system of works sanctification.
Since I’m a girl, I shall wear my t-shirts that advertise worldly items and lifestyles and will still be within the dress code, since fundies are all about the letter of the law anyway.
Yes, like I always say, it’s about appearances. You have to make them look good, so they can get away with their wickedness.
Is it me, or does OMIFBPreacher write posts like he’s on his third day of a cocaine bender? Take it easy buddy. 😕
😉 / LIKE^