Tag Archives: friday challenge

Friday Challenge: Frighten a Fundy

In the spirit of the season, today’s challenge is to pick a Halloween costume that is specifically designed to be as frightening to fundamentalists as possible. Extra points will be awarded if you actually provide a photo, drawing, or MS Paint sketch of the costume in question.

(I’m personally coming as an in-context exegesis of I Thessalonians 5:22. Still haven’t exactly worked out the details of the costume design, though.)

Friday Challenge: Personals

Today’s challenge is to write a personal ad for looking for a spouse in fundyland. You can either describe yourself as you were back in the day, the perfect mate you thought you wanted, or the traits of someone you actually knew.

“SWM seeks dress-wearing pianist for ministry possibilities. Must possess own piano …”

(I would like to apologize in advance for the sidebar ads this is likely to generate)