Tag Archives: friday challenge

Friday Challenge: Fess Up

Today’s challenge is to tell a story about when you were the kind of person who might end up featured on SFL. Every one of us has memories (and perhaps even residual guilt) over when we too were judgmental, unkind, or just so sure that we were the only ones who knew the truth.

Not only is honest confession good for the soul but it help others know that it’s possible to change.

Friday Challenge: Awkward Explanations

Of all the trials and tribulations that a young fundamentalist deals with, trying to explain the way they live to those outside of fundyland is among the most taxing. And no time of year presents more opportunities than Christmas when non-fundy family spring from the woodwork smelling of beer, dressed immodestly, and using minced oaths without flinching. Inevitably upon these visits someone is going to start asking impertinent questions like “So what’s Santa bringing you for Christmas?” or perhaps “Why is Mary trying to ski in a skirt?” or even “So have you left your cult yet?”

Do you have a story of giving an awkward explanation at Christmas gatherings (or any other time)? Share them here.