Category Archives: My Obama Year

MOY: The Zoo, the Lorax, and Me


This past weekend my wife and I packed our children in our trusty minivan and sallied forth to the zoo. It was a discount day and after arriving there a quick head count in the parking lot showed that an estimated 15 bazillion people had also showed up to take advantage of a cheap outing with their children. I always forget what it’s like to experience the wildness of the zoo, smelling strange musky aromas, observing the complex mating rituals, and hearing the loud fights over territory. And that was just in the parking lot.

Read the rest at My Obama Year project.

MOY: 10 Ways To Ensure Any Political Discussion Turns Into a Pointless Argument


1. Assume the worst about those on the other side. For example, you can try adding “and we’ll do it by starving children” to the end of whatever they propose. As in “I believe we need to be more environmentally conscious…and we’ll do it by starving children” or “We really need to get spending under control…and we’ll do it by starving children. and old people. and puppies.” You know the real agenda no matter how cleverly the other side disguises it by seeming reasonable.

Read the other 9 over at My Obama Year project