Friday Challenge: WKJV Channel Lineup

Today’s challenge comes from a reader who asked that we imagine that there’s a fundy television station coming to your town. What kind of shows might you expect to see featured?

Here are a few from the suggester to get you started:

The Big Bang Theory is A Lie

How I Met Your Mother At Bible College

Game of Platform Thrones

That 50’s Show

Rules of Courtship

House of Decision Cards

468 thoughts on “Friday Challenge: WKJV Channel Lineup”

  1. CSI – Christian Standards Investigators

    A special team investigates church members to see if they are keeping the church’s rules when off the church property.

  2. Criminal Minds changed to Biblical Minds

    Pretty Little Liars: The Fundamentalist Evangelist Network

  3. Tracting Bad

    In this program we follow the adventures of Bro. Walter White as he learns to print tracts at home with the help of his associate Bro. Pinkman. Eventually they start to send their tracts to the mission field of the Czech Republic.
    Bro. White is an inspiration to soulwinners everywhere with his door knocking.
    “I am the one who knocks!”

  4. Frumpy-Normal Witness: Accounts of door-to-door experiences in an ankle skirt

  5. Keeping Up with the ________ (fill in your favorite MoG’s name here)

  6. To Catch a Predator

    …oh, wait, that’d never air…

  7. Firefly: Serenity Achieved –

    The IFB network buys the rights to the Firefly series, then continues the story with Shepherd leading Inara to repent, marrying them that need to be hitched, and flying the ‘verse handing out tracts to needy worlds (The ship is too full of tracts to be able to offer seeds or medicines to those struggling planets.)

  8. On The Baptist History Channel:
    Ancient Aliens were part of The Trail of Blood.

    1. And aprons! All women must have an apron, I believe one fundy blogger once pontificated.

  9. Of ciurse Fundystan TV would actually be 24 hours of Andy Griffith reruns.

    1. Actually my old fundie MoG preached against Andy Griffith when there was a small group series that used his program.

    2. “Of course Fundystan TV would actually be 24 hours of Andy Griffith reruns.”

      Minus the episode where Andy makes out with his girlfriend, Mary and the episodes where Andy smokes.

      1. Can’t they at least include the scene where Aunt Bea asks Satan about her devil’s food cake? “It is named after you, dear.” 😈

  10. The Apostle Paul’s Drag Race – a show about car racing with plenty of Gospel sharing drama (because Fundies don’t always notice when they create unintentionally inappropriate references).

    1. (Not that there’s necessarily anything wrong with the “unintentionally” implied show, but fundies would certainly think so!)

  11. On Syfy:
    Documentaries and video productions concerning any facet of Christianity OUTSIDE of Fundyland.

      1. Only they’d think the Living Dead are any who aren’t themselves while many of us feel that the IFB churches are full of them!

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