84 thoughts on “Phil Kidd: Video Edition”

  1. I was just as interested in the story at the end. Notice how everyone who leaves fundamentalism follows the same path of debauchery? Florida beaches…California…L.A. area…hippies…drugs…death.

    Wow, this guy reminds me of some people I saw and heard growing up.

  2. It must be one of his tent meetings. Romans Road, Phillipians Bypass, Ephesians Overhall(I didn’t know so many presentations existed.His speaking is dijointed.The stories had no connection. I know I shouldn’t ask, but is there a part 3 and an ending to that story?

  3. I’ve now included part 3 and links to 1 and 4.

    although anybody who can sit through the whole thing is of a stronger constitution than I.

  4. Never mind there are four posts. I forgot when each story stops and sounds like an ending a new one begins.

    Spoiler: In part three the girls turns out to be alive and the investigators were wrong. She asks for her parents forgiveness over the phone and plans on coming home.

    Nevermind : On the way home to her parents house she dies in a train wreck.
    Someone always dies in one of his messages-never fails. I even heard a preacher say that. One of the IFB Pastors near us in the granson in-law toJack Hyles(not through Cindy Schaap,but one of the other daughters. he seems like a nice guy though). He called Phil Kidd the demoniac of gadara of IFB preachers. I’m not sure if he meant it in a bad way.

    This message was called”There’s No place like Home”. I had forgotten that his message titles and point and stories all harmonize together. He was just telling the story that goes along with point #1 on this video posted here.

  5. @Darrell: How did you hear/learn about Kidd anyway ?

    I can take it somewhat because I have heard it before(not at my church,but on tape). though my constitution may changing.

    Peole like the “straight down the line” stuff, but it seems more about loving brashness(with Kidd) and peole mistake it for boldness. For some reason Kidd thinks if he gets you mad then he’s done his job as a preacher. I guess it goes kind of with being afirmed by peoles hatred post.

  6. How did you hear/learn about Kidd anyway ?

    I heard recordings of him over the years.

    At PCC a few guys I knew used to play his sermons just for fun because of how off the wall they were.

  7. @Darrell: Be careful about posting multiple videos of him. That could turn this post into blog version of the Two Minuet Hate. I just finished reading Nineteen-Eighty Four on Saturday. One of my friends bought the book also, but he went to Bible college(a small one). HE BROUGHT THE BOOK WITH HIM. I told him “you might want to hide that or hope that nobody there has ever read the book olr you might be in trouble”. He asked “why?”.” I told him read it and you’ll find out.”

    This also kind of goes back to preaching being an experience for the audience.

  8. One Phil Kidd sermon I was present for came from the story of Samson. The title? “Some things that would make a man call his wife a heifer.” Judges 14.

    I do not remember much about the sermon though I do remember point number 1. “She was not his kind”. He then preached against interracial marriage for a while. I remember disagreeing strongly with both what he said and how he said it.

  9. I made it about 5-10 seconds. I don’t know how I managed to sit through this kind of “preaching” for 20-odd years.

  10. @Apathetic or whatever: I had heard him preach against it on a tape.The reason he siad people” ought to marry after their own color” is cuase of the kids.He said its a shame that biraciall kids walk around and get called names and made fun of. He also said some of his friends growing up were biracial. He may have said something different when you heard him.

  11. I heard him preach much the same thing once. I heard him preach “The sin (may have been curse) of interracial marriage”.
    His argument that kids will be made fun of may have a grain of truth but it is not exactly biblical. Kidd runs with a deeply racist crowd. I know, I grew up in the same crowd. To these people, making fun of a biracial child seems normal.
    “Dr” Kidd would often make some deeply bigoted and UnChristian statements. He would always run back to the “some of my best friends when I was a kid were black” defense.

  12. I heard Phil Kidd several times at “Camp Meeting” at People’s Baptist Church in GA. Crazy times. The fundy high-school where I was going would cancel most of our classes for the week (all that pesky book-learnin), and would bus us over to the church to be subjected to this and even worse. No wonder my personality is so warped (J/K.)

  13. @Adam ZP: How far away is People’s Baptist Chuch from Sammy Allen’s church ( Concord Baptist Church)and Faith baptist Camp? Kidd is quite a frequent speaker there.

  14. @AdamZ
    Hearing a great “Evangleist” beats book learnin any day. (That is how the word evangelist is spelled on his website.)

  15. @phil: WOW!! There’s a name I haven’t heard in a while! Sammy Allen’s church and People’s aren’t geographically close together, but I’m sure they’re quite similar–

  16. @AdamZ: We have friends at Sammy Allens church. One time we went there for “camp meeting” Old time shouting,singing, and ilse running. The next week we spent with our friends.
    I don’t think my parents nesecarily minded the camp meeting, but I would never go to a camp meeting again.

    To be fair I do like some of the songs The Concord baptist Church Young peoples Revival Choir sings and we have a couple of their CD’s.

  17. I almost made it 1 minute into the first video. Unbearable. I can’t imagine the story at the end of part 2 that anyone wanted to hear the end of! 🙂

  18. Right when I was born Sammy Allen had a 7, yes 7, week long revival at our tiny church in Nowhere , NC and my parents used to brag that I only missed 2 nights in 7 weeks despite being a newborn. I’m sure I found a reason to miss because I just couldn’t take it even back then. 🙂

    Does his own particular “testimony” seem far fetched to anyone else but me?

  19. @alm517 said “Does his own particular “testimony” seem far fetched to anyone else but me?”

    I haven’t even listened to it yet – but this is a staple of some fundies…the more outlandish you can make your testimony the greater the power of God, right? That’s how they think.

  20. “Does his own particular “testimony” seem far fetched to anyone else but me?”

    It is amazing how many fundies (especially the traveling evangelists) were former drunkards. Remember they were not alcoholics, that would indicate a “modern psychology” disease. No they were just sin ridden drunks. They usually came from a home where the father was a spittin, cussin drunk who spent all the family’s money at the saloon.
    Another consistent theme I have heard over the years is how the evangelist and his wife were saved at the same time. Not sure what the significance of that may be.

  21. at 1:53 of the first video he said “to the best of my ability I asked Jesus to forgive me.”

    So maybe God should share the credit with Phil for his salvation!

  22. “the more outlandish you can make your testimony the greater the power of God, right? That’s how they think.”

    Yep – I was always worried as a child because my testimony was too clean. I doubted that God would be able to use my testimony for His glory because I never had a chance to get into drugs/alcohol/prostitution/the Southern Baptist Convention. How stupid and messed up!

  23. I’ve heard many a sermon like this. If a fundy preacher has a horrible wicked background where he did all sorts of abhorrent evil, saved from fornication, rock music, out of jail, drunkenness, drugs, murder all of it is an asset to a fundy preacher. But if you so much as think of having a sip of beer or holding hands with your girlfriend you are the worst type of sinner any one could know.

  24. There are only certain pasts that are acceptable to brag about in fundy circles

    “I used to be such a godless drunk” = ok
    “I used to be gay” = not so much

  25. @Elizabeth said “I was always worried as a child because my testimony was too clean. I doubted that God would be able to use my testimony for His glory because I never had a chance to get into drugs/alcohol/prostitution/the Southern Baptist Convention”

    You’re not the only one. I always felt like I was second class because I didn’t feel like God had to put much effort into me.

  26. @Alm517 I don’t even want to think what the big plan was scheduling a 7 week event. I assume was 6 or 7 nights a week? I know times were different as far as work demands, but who has that much time to sacrifice? Most of those evangelists have fewer than 10 sermons. I wonder if was trying out new material or what? Even when you phony up your numbers I don’t see how you think you are still going to be able to be “winning new souls” after the first week or maybe 2.

  27. This is something else from my fundie days…it seems that everyone had a “testimony” and I didn’t. I remember feeling as though I should have one. I grew up in the church and I was naturally a quiet, mild mannered kid.

    I remember the sermons of “If God hasn’t radically changed your life, then you are not ‘saved.’ I remember being so confused and wondering what horrible sin I could commit as a five year old….I was not even disobedient to my parents and I could never even lie to save my life (still can’t)

    Am I the only one who went through this?

  28. @RobM: This Evangelist has way more than ten. Kindof the same MO of Harmonizing his sermon tilte with his points and his stories, but way more than ten.

  29. @Amanda: You were a camp meetin fundy?

    The fundy church I attended the first 15 years of my life had them every summer.

  30. @Robin, Loren

    The non-IFB, inter-denominational organization in which I participated in college was almost as bad with regard to “testimonies.” I didn’t have a good one, and always felt guilty when I skipped out on the “witnessing assignments.”

    BTW, when this topic comes up, it’s hard not to think about Ergun Caner…

  31. @RobM the story from my family is that the spirit moved so much and they were all stirred that neither the pastor nor Sammy wanted it to end. I’m sure it was probably 5-6 nights per week. This was the kind of church where everyone brought their televisions and shot them after service and when the pastor, who was an uneducated tobacco farmer and owner of the land the church was on who once when he got excited, jumped out the window and ran around the building. I was born in ’83 and like I said, this was a little tiny church in a minuscule city in NC, deeply religious then and so the 100 or so people who were members were willing to drop everything for a 7 week revival. I don’t really remember it because everything fell apart when the pastor retired the next year, I was only 2, and we started going to a much bigger church about 15 minutes away. Despite being fundy the new church wasn’t really a bad church, but they’ve recently gotten a new pastor who would provide nice fodder for this site.

  32. I posted some of my story on the Friday challenge thread:


    0-15 years: IFB church that heavily pushed BJU and PCC, had Ron Hamilton in concert on more than one occasion, and yes, had yearly camp meetings. (I heard so many guest preachers and evangelists during those years that I really can’t definitively say I’ve never heard a particular fundy preacher. They kind of blend together after a while.)

    15-18 years: A smaller IFB church in another town and in a different stream of fundamentalism.

    18-22 years: Bible college. It was during those years that I studied Scripture and came to disagree with much of fundamentalism.

    23-26 years: Moved to another state for grad school and after visiting a pretty wide variety of churches (IFB, PCA, OPC, SBC, Bible, non-denom, etc.) joined a Reformed Southern Baptist church.

    26-27 years: Joined a Presbyterian in America church.

    Now: Still a member of the PCA, but not sure where I am. I’m still in the process of figuring out what I believe. Visited an Anglican church Sunday and LOVED it. I will hopefully be moving within the next year, so what I end up will likely be partly determined by where I end up.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled programming…

  33. I heard Phil Kidd sermons every stinking year at our teen camp that we went to. That’s right, Phil Kidd, at least two times per day for five days. There are no words to describe the amount of disdain I have for this charlatan. He has abusive/unhealthy opinions about women, and is outright racist in his sermons, going so far as to refer to African-Americans as “Hammites.” He will say that he is not racist, but anyone who would believe this is a complete moron (his target audience).

    After sitting through his sermons at camp, nearly all of the impressionable youth went forward so that they wouldn’t be killed, eaten by maggots or whatever nasty sermon illustration Kidd came up with. I remained in my seat, the only member of my particular youth group that did so night after night. My youth pastor told me I had a hardened heart. GAG! Even as a teenager (probably 15 or 16 at the time) and having been in IFB all my life, I saw through this guy. He literally made me sick to my stomach. I would have a stomach ache after hearing his sermons every night.

    It is amazing to me how people continue to follow such a bold, ignorant racist and crass speaker. Those who are so deep into the fundamentalist mindset to follow him clearly do not think for themselves and are oftentimes the stereotypical fundamentalist. A childhood friend on my Facebook recently posted a picture of her 9-year-old son with Phil Kidd doing Kidd’s trademark boxing pose together (he spoke at their revival, Lord help them). I nearly threw up.

    This man is vile. For the record, I am posting such a nasty comment with full assurance that I will not be attacked by she bears.

  34. Since were on the topic of Phil Kidd. Go to Darrells first podcast to see a picture of the Holy Ghostbusters: Phil Kidd, Jack Schaap,and Tony Hutson. Picture Courtesty of exIFB.

  35. I can SO relate to the not having a dramatic testimony problem. And yes, that’s how Ergun Caner got where he is. Drama is what the audience wants, and that’s what they get.

    If your testimony is that you were born to your parents, went to an IFB church three times a week, asked Jesus into your heart umpteen times as a kid and teenager-how boring is that? You weren’t promiscious and didn’t commit any crimes. Your family didn’t even drink beer.

    Plus-is your testimony the same if you are quietly relaying it or if you are yelling at the top of your lungs? I could yell the above testimony and make it get some amens, I bet!

  36. @Crystal: My fundy dad and ex-pastor were the same way. =\ They would be so proud of the fact they had a few black friends, but when the black friends weren’t around, they would make mean jokes, pretend the Bible makes black people lesser beings, and call them “Hamites.” It was disgusting.

  37. I totally feel the ‘insufficient testimony’ comments as well. I always felt like a twit when I was a kid and teen and (church) people asked for it and all I had was ‘I grew up in the church and accepted Jesus when I was X years old’. Probably caused no small amount of my doubts of myself and church when I heard someone say that you had to have a DYNAMIC five minute witness when I got in HS and college, and that witnessing was THE thing.

    A life without drama in christian-land is apparently useless, so you either lie and make up a story, or sit in the back and feel bad for not being wicked enough when you were 5. Guess that fundamentalists should be encouraging their kids to go off and raise hell, then reel them back in so they’ll have better witnesses, hmm?

  38. Good thing to know that I am not the only one who stressed over my testimony….or lack of one!

    now…….anyone ever wonder why we sing “we are standing on Holy Ground” with our shoes on?

    Pastor did not like that question.

  39. I hated the whole “I remember the moment I was saved, if you are saved, you will remember that moment. If you don’t, you probably aren’t saved”.

    I have no idea when it was.

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