61 thoughts on “Get Out of Hell Free!”

    1. I live in greenville where is this at? Greenville has a large and growing Catholic community. The Jones should have walled the city to keep it a pure IFB mecca

    1. I’m guessing that it’s a dog house, tool shed or a chicken coop. It’s not tall enough to stand up in.

  1. I too live in Greenville. I’m a presby that married a BJ girl, ahem. Oh and I listen to Catholic radio.

    1. If you Ä£et a chance check out quest brewery. It’s pretty good. It’s right next to downtown airport

      1. Quest is for Roman Catholics. Thomas Creek is for Protestants. Just kidding. I made that up.

      1. That’s how they keep that Purity Vow,

        (Actually true for some youth in the “Purity” movement, according to various reports.)

  2. Of course, once you’re in hell you can’t get out, right? Eternal fire and damnation without hope, even God can’t (or won’t) get you out, so..

    1. Yes. The ‘get out of jail free’ card can only be used after you’ve landed in jail, right? It’s been a while since I last played.

    2. Although, not if you take the sense of john 3:17, “he who does not believe is condemned already”

  3. This really belittles all that Jesus did to secure our salvation. It reminds me of a Chick tract turned into a billboard.

  4. Dear SFL Reader:

    To think that the incarnation has come to this…

    Christian Socialist

  5. I first read that as “GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE”.

    If it did say that, though, what might it mean? A warning to former fundies to stay away, or a warning to anyone outside the cult to avoid getting sucked in?

    1. Dear Paul Best:

      Precisely. I recommend Dietrich Bonhoeffer on that.

      Christian Socialist

    2. Thank you. Exactly what I was thinking. To me, this sign trivializes the sacrifice He made to save us, reducing it to a cutesy little saying.

      1. Dear Ben Padraic:

        My best guess is that the boot in the butt was a free gift from the pastor…

        Christian Socialist

  6. so in monopoly, if you don’t have a get out of jail card, you have to try and roll doubles….and then after that it gets fuzzy….my friend and i always made up rules as we went so sometimes after the third try to get doubles you got out any ways, and then sometimes we were able to bribe the other spring us early….

    But if they don’t have a get out of hell free card—can we roll for it?

    1. You have three turns to roll doubles; if you roll a double, you get out of jail and move the amount you’ve thrown. Before you roll the dice, you can pay $50 and get out of jail. If the 3rd throw does not result in a double, you must pay the $50 fine and take the roll shown on the dice.

      Hope that helps!

      1. I should also mention that in the early game, one wants to get out jail ASAP to get properties — in the late game, when all properties are owned and expensive to land on, being in jail for three turns is a luxury!

        1. Yeah. I used to have a CD with “modern” Monopoly. Could play it as a solitaire game quite fast.

          Then I upgraded to Windows 8 and that operating system does not read CDs!

  7. The guy who runs “This is True” – web site “thisistrue.com” – sells cards like this for the humor and in a subtle revenge for all those who would tell another that they are “going to hell”. He got into trouble with Parker Brothers (owner of Monopoly), and has a disclaimer on his web site because of that.

    Whoever put this up may need to re-think… “Get out of Hell Free” is a registered trademark.

    This picture looks a lot like both the Parker Bros and the this-is-true product.

    If you’ve never heard of “This is True”, check out the web site and the sample stories!

  8. I’m not sure what to think about this — while it’s true that salvation is free, nothing in the New Testament ever tried to “sell” salvation as “getting out of Hell free”. It was always about getting into a proper relationship with God; having one’s sins taken away; removing our guilty standing before God.

    I’m not sure what God would think of so many making merchandise of His sacrifice as merely a fire escape from Hell.

  9. Funny thing-I just saw this on a business card at a truck stop for which I am a service vendor. It was on their business card rack. I also wondered what Parker Brothers would say about the use of their image.

    1. Yeah, StuartB, ever notice how many children’s hymns are like this? Not just children’s now that I think about it. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Until it is burned into your brain and it becomes instinct.

      1. You know, I could get behind that idea, if Jesus was the one I was trusting and obeying. I could try hard to love God and my neighbor and help the poor and things like that–I do anyway, because those are good things to do; but I have insurmountable trouble with following every rule some Pastor wants to enforce just because he says so. Nopenopenopenope.

        1. Nope for sure! The other thing that bothers me is this: Is it necessary to brainwash children and adults for that matter, to teach them God’s love. Is God not capable of saving and keeping a person without them being persuaded, brainwashed, co-erced? If they believe in the conviction and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, as they say, why do they try to control and manipulate? Surely that is quenching the Spirit. Just a few of the problems I have with organized Christianity.

      2. “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey”
        That Other Jean nailed it. If it was just about trusting and obeying Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, then I would have no problem with this. But so often it is NOT just about following Jesus, at least in Fundamentalism (and the Ulster Protestanitism I grew up with) It’s about jumping through the right hoops. The only way to be happy in Jesus is to obey all the rules and traditions, if you don’t, you deserve to me miserable

        1. Yup. And if for some reason you aren’t happy, you must be in sin because you aren’t trusting or obeying.

          Even at the Episcopal Church I’ve heard people say that only those who trust can obey, and only those who obey, trust.

          I wholeheartedly disagree with that. I’m by no means perfect, but I try very hard to obey — What I understand to be God’s will and Word — and my trust has been violated all too often to make trusting easy. And there have been times I honestly trusted and yet found I did not or could not “obey.”

          In any case, this song has always deposited barge loads of guilt, and now I refuse to sing it.

        2. When I was younger and this song was being sung, I would mumble or cough because I could NOT sing it. I was sure I was not obedient enough to sing it and I knew myself well enough to know that I was not capable of the kind of obedience I thought was required of me. I hated covering my head to show my submission to men, hell I hated being submissive period. I knew I was smarter and quicker than a lot of the men I was told I should be submissive to and yet I was forced to pretend I thought they were wiser because they happened to be male. Even as a kid this created so much anger in me! I was sure I was evil because secretly I was glad that I was smarter than them and I knew that had to be wrong. What a mess this makes of so many lives.

      3. “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey”
        That Other Jean nailed it. If it was just about trusting and obeying Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, then I would have no problem with this. But so often it is NOT just about following Jesus, at least in Fundamentalism (and the Ulster Protestanitism I grew up with) It’s about jumping through the right hoops. The only way to be happy in Jesus is to obey all the rules and traditions, if you don’t, you deserve to me miserable

        1. Oops. Didn’t mean to post twice. Maybe that happened in a subliminal way because I feel so strongly about this

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