As if we needed more evidence that Independent Fundamental Baptists are big believers in the Power of Fake It ‘Till You Make It Positive Thinking, here are the Sons of the Prophets (Profits?) to sing a happy song about singing a happy song. It’s so meta.
108 thoughts on “GOH: Going On With the Song”
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I thought fake it till you make it was a just a pentecostal thing.
Former pentecostal but enjoy the site and insights. A lot of similar dynamics seem to play out in the two groups.
I’m also an ex-pente, and yes, we belong here too. The attitudes are the same, even if they’re expressed in different ways.
I heard a former leader of the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) say it on national TV. He also said he wouldn’t allow his wife to out-hypocrite him. 😯
Naaah. Although an IFB will never admit it, there is enough overlap between IFBs, Southern Baptists, Church of Christ folks, and conservative Pentecostals that we can all get a kick out of various posts. It’s all good 😀
That is true!
Curses?!?! Foiled!
Yay, um sixth!
Terrible! Are they zombies? Yes! Zombies for Jesus, amen!?
They are the unhappiest-looking people singing about happiness that I may have ever seen.
Having been there, I can imagine the real unhappiness underlying the “I just need to keep on working, never quitting, never acknowledging physical needs or family emotional needs” – they believe this is required of them, and they see a life of service, and the burden looks large. They don’t see that so much of it is man-made; they fail to truly understand that Jesus’ yoke is easy and His burden is light. I am so thankful to God for bringing me out of that cycle of misery.
Zombies For Jesus? Now that would be one GREAT name for a band!
😆 😎
I like the way they made the bad sheet rock job look like “JESUS”
Right? I thought it was under construction until “Jesus” was in focus for a second there
(cameraman should be executed). Oh they meant for it to look like that…
I work for the Lord
To receive my reward
‘Cuz I know there’s a Heaven that awaits me.
And Fundy’s say that other denominations are wrong because they “work for salvation”.
I noticed that too, Wilver. It’s not working for the Lord because we have a love for Him. It’s working to receive a reward.
Definitely singing about salvation through works there. But it’s a catchy tune.
Didn’t see it like that at all.
“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”
We do good works, not to earn salvation, but because that’s what we are created to do.
Then what reward are they working to receive, pray tell?
That question is above my pay grade and between them and God!
I think “greg” is right; I didn’t get the impression at all that they were singing about working for salvation — just that it was another one of the (many) songs about keeping on working.
The Scripture tells us that Jesus said “Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me” (that may not be exactly correct). It is the reward for their labor of which they are singing — at least, that was my impression.
My Fundy aunt hates to be thanked for anything, because she has already received her reward, and God won’t give her one in heaven.
Somehow I think that’s missing the whole point of the exercise.
I’ve known people like that too. Once I thought they were super-humble or super-spiritual. Now I’m just sad because their belief reveals the type of God they serve: a miserly, nit-picky God who is about to dump a huge reward in your lap then says, “Oh, wait! Someone thanked you on earth? Then FORGET ABOUT IT!! No crowns for you!”
A friend of a friend responded to any thanks with, “Don’t thank me, thank God …”
Obviously, this became very annoying very quickly.
What, no ladies whooping and hollering? This is as close as fundie ladies are going to get to “Magic Mike”.
I like how they’re dressed.
They’re the IFB hip-hop posse.
Kind of like the faux-Gangsta Rappas in “Gimme that Christian Side Hug”? We So Gangsta (but not enough to possibly offend any Church Ladies)?
Do people actually enjoy this? I mean people who are under ohh say 80?
Of course they (pretend to) enjoy this.
Everyone likes a little escapism from time to time into fantasyland where everything is the way you wish it was.
To me they appear to be fearful of singing from their hearts or to show any emotion. I’m sure that’s due to the whole way of the Fundy but come on, at least smile or show some sort of enjoyment to deliver a great performance! IT’S MUSIC AND SONG! That always bothered me about the song specials… Performers were always so stoic! Such a shame!
Live, Love, Laugh,… SING!
~~~Heart 😮
Great comment.
I had to lol when they sang “I’m gonna smile as I press along.” Ummmm, no, you’re not. Are they even LISTENING to the words??? If you can’t even smile in a worship service singing about heaven, how are you going to smile when you face grief and disappointment and loss in life as we will?
Yeah, it’s sad that this type of woodenness has been drilled into them. It’s the sort of weird cognitive dissonance that you may unconsciously realize but that you never talk about until, suddenly one day, you find SFL and go, “YEAH! What’s with singing about joy but NEVER SMILING??? What’s with that??” (And then add to that the preacher coming up and accusing, “You get all excited for a ball game but won’t get excited about Jesus?” And you’re thinking, “But if we did, you’d say we were being charismatic.”)
Stoic is a good word for it. There’s another word but it is escaping me at the moment.
My dad’s side of the family is Mennonite, all the way back to Menno Simmons, founder of the sect. I have records and photos that go waaaay back.
One of the things that always strikes me is that in the photos (even 20th c ones) they’re almost never smiling. Solemn, even dour. In the past 20 or 30 years that has changed some, especially after my grandfather died. Women in our family smile broadly in photos. (Heck, they even sometimes wear trousers! Very good thing in Manitoba winters, I’ll tell ya.) My aunts are cheerful and loving, and yes, when the family sings, the sound happy.
I think it depends a lot on *why* they’re singing. If they’re singing to the audience in the pews or if their song is honestly directed to God- it makes a difference.
These guys in the video are singing to the pews.
Somewhat related but not- one of the funniest things I’ve seen involved this sort of singer. I was in high school, and a friend of mine was getting his Eagle Scout award, and there was a big ceremony and reception. He was Mormon, and the local troop was in the stake center. It pretty much looked like a generic protestant church inside, but not crosses on stuff. Anyway, this guy got up to sing. He was standing next to the piano- a grand, with a huge vase full of roses on top. He was an elderly fellow, and the best word to describe him and his demeanor was ‘pompous’. He had re-written ‘Stout Hearted Men’ (From Gilbert and Sullivan? Or was it from ‘Captain Blood’? I forget) with new lyrics, about ‘scout hearted men’. They were pretty lame and I kind of tuned them out- until the vase suddenly fell over, spraying water everywhere (including the Eagles seated in the front row) and roses and broken bits of vase into the piano. It was instant pandemonium, and the awful song stopped. Mr. Pompous turned deep red, and was no longer pompous. It was fantastic.
“Stoic is a good word for it. There’s another word but it is escaping me at the moment.”
Glum? Dismal? Dreary?
Even as late as the 20th century, film exposure took a bit of time, so smiling in pictures was tiring. Once faster film was developed (no pun intended), smiling became the norm. 😎
That is true. But as I noted, the grim faces continued after that time. EVERY photo of my grandfather has an expression as though he were suffering through a long dark winter with no spring in sight.
“Suddenly one day, you find SFL and go, “YEAH! What’s with singing about joy but NEVER SMILING??? What’s with that??”
This is exactly what happened to me about so many things. I guess like I felt like my religion would never really ‘take,’ and then I found SFL and suddenly I realized why.
Not quite the same thing, but I find that I honestly can’t seem to smile naturally, it always looks fake. 😕 Some people do have weird quirks like that, though I doubt that’s the case here. 😐
I’m the same. I don’t have s fake photograph smile. People have told me I do have a nice smile, but it has to be genuine. Yeah, I’m weird….
Pastor’s Wife!
I totally hear you, especially on the last part of your comment! It’s like, ( excused my language here but) “damned if you do, damned if you don’t”! And usually, it all depended on what kind of mood “Preacher” was in at the time! But for the most part, performances were not delivered from a sincere heart that was praising God, but rather a performance that was astutely mindful of the rules and regulations of the church guidelines that were required to be followed, especially since you were standing where the MOG stands! All hail!
I was a pianist/accompanist for years and I saw more genuine performances during our private practices than I saw in church and it wasn’t due to nerves or stage fright!
~~~Heart 🙁
I agree; so many fundamental singers have over compensated… they fear to look like gyrating, worldly singers so much that they now are wooden with no expressions. Can we just listen to the words; if the song is about rejoice, then let us rejoice!
I mean this verse of a well-known song should make any singer rejoice: My sin – oh the bliss of this glorious thought – my sin, not in part, but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more.
Praise the Lord, oh my soul indeed!
I admit i’m not the most effusive person in the world but at least I don’t look like I should be checked out for Dutch Elm Dsease like a lot of Fundies.
I was in so many of these groups as a teen and through college. It was more about harmony than actually what the words were saying.
In our neck of the woods, the stoic faces were discouraged. Genuine heartfelt emotion was expected to be expressed, if not felt.
The going phrase is ‘use expression,’ which in the Faithway ring of influence means raising your eyebrows and smiling broadly. For the record, it doesn’t work. Either you’re happy to be singing, scared witless at being on stage, or dead-pan because your parents forced you into the teen ensemble. Or all three.
One singer in particular makes me laugh. See, Bill’s a naturally upbeat guy, who enjoys both singing and Christian service, so his eyebrows were already uplifted, and he smiles most of the time anyway…
So he looks like a mime.
I’d a million times pick “Praise You in This Storm” over a song like this.
It’s OK to feel pain and sorrow. Jesus wept. We are told to weep with those who weep in the Bible. We don’t have to always be smiling or happy, but knowing we’re forgiven, accepted, and loved can give us joy in the most difficult of circumstances.
What is this? One Direction, fundie style?
WASP Baptist Menudo.
Thanks for the morning spit take Gary! Now I gotta get the coffee off my keyboard…
I thought it was a welcome change from the IFB norm. The sheetrock behind the pulpit, the clothes and even the song. Now I did have an issue with the song (see my comment above) but it was definitely atypical IFB. And yes they could have smiled a bit.
My guess is that it’s at a Christian camp – thus the casual clothes.
Southern Gospel music, hand-held mics, and comments called out from the audience are standard IFB tropes in certain circles though not in mine. This style of music would have been quite different, even refreshing, in some churches I’ve known.
Someone do the math:
5 guys
2:02 minutes of playing time
1 smile that lasted about 1 second (maybe 2) from the guy in the red shirt second from the right
Erp. The terrible camera work is leaving me too seasick to listen to the singing. I’ll try again in a minute with my eyes closed. They did look pretty grim for kids singing a happy song, though.
You’ve got to hope they’ll get a big enough offering to buy themselves a tripod. 😐
They were probably scared to death of embarrassing themselves. Teenage guys have a hard time with “stage presence” until they get a lot of practice in.
That would be true, if these were normal teenage guys. This, however, is the Hyles-Anderson 2010 summer tour group.
Are you joking?
You mean they’ve practiced, and everything?
Quite serious. Look them up on youtube.
Hyles-Anderson’s got a lot worse problems than a lackluster tour group.
Since the original song has evil drums, bass, guitar, expert piano playing and good energetic four part harmony (which I have seen live) then this is an accurate fundy cover. – Please take note: 5 people singing (with one doubling a part) ,as to look not like the evil southern gospel quartets, one (1) person to play the piano with “enthusiasm”, solemn microphone technique with one hand.
The one thing throwing me off was the jeans but it must be some saturday morning, boys only retreat to where they will sing a few gospel songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. following this: the MOG will preach, followed by times of repentance and refreshing. Following a hearty lunch of hot dogs, chips, dessert and drink, the young men will be ushered onto a field and play some sort of sports game with a twist. “big ball basketball” or “kill the Kalvinist” might be in order. At the end of the games, there will be a spiritual challenge plus a refreshing snack. Then everyone, boys and girls (they were in a separate location), will join for the evening service. More heartfelt singing and glorious preaching will commence. The one homely girl will play a flute solo. The boys will sing again, one will tap their foot rebelliously. The cute ,yet secretly wild, girl will give her testimony, which comes off insincere. Since time is permitting, there will be an afterglow following the service. All who are willing will join together around a blazing bonfire to roast marsh mellows, compare conversion stories, and most importantly burn their justin beiber cd’s, mp3 players, NIVs, Cassettes, Twilight Books, and that one adult copy of Real Marriage by Mark Driscoll.
I apologize for the flashback
They do not have DRINK at fundie lunches. They have beverages. What kind of sick reprobate are you???
Where I am from, “drink” is a word to describe a flavored beverage that does not classify as something else- soda, lemonade, etc. Yes, most flavors of Kool-Aid would count as “drink.”
What is up with the tacky “Jesus” painted on the back wall. If it was a painting with Jesus, it would be idolatry.
Looks like an attempt at Sixties- or Seventies-era “Supergraphic” wall decoration, but done way too squared-off and angular.
I think it’s an attempt at this design:
See, the catchy part is that you have to look in *between* the pieces of wood to see the word “Jesus.” Get it?
And yes, I first saw this gimmick sometime in the sixties or seventies.
Negative space text. Those go back a long ways.
Still, it’s very angular for a Seventies-style supergraphic. Those tended to be in a very boldfaced but rounded and whimsical-looking font.
Bad theology + cheesy lyrics + soundtrack = great IFB song!!
Reminds me of when I sang specials with a group in my fundy church. When I first joined the group, I was pulled aside by the music director and asked “not to smile so much.” I was bewildered – we were praising God and I was smiling too much?! Apparently, they felt it was a pride issue. yeah, no.
And then there was the time my kids sang a Christmas special. My autistic son, age 4 then, danced around the stage and belted out the song with great joy. I think Jesus would have been pretty tickled watching him praise like that. Of course, the fundies did not like that display. Overall, my fundie church did not know how to handle autism, nor did they try. 😥
I have a child with autism also (he is 13) and I’m so sorry about the way your church handled him (or didn’t handle him). We are fortunate to be part of a church that *does* handle our son pretty well!
Yeah, not all churches are like that. I belong to a church with several members with mental illnesses. When one of them is having a bad day (or month) and acts strange, everybody just takes it in stride. And children acting like children– not a problem at all.
Reminds me of when I sang specials with a group in my fundy church. When I first joined the group, I was pulled aside by the music director and asked “not to smile so much.” I was bewildered – we were praising God and I was smiling too much?! Apparently, they felt it was a pride issue. yeah, no.
“The grim, grey, drab, joyless path of Salvation.”
— James Michener, Hawaii (intro to the New England Calvinist missionaries)
Now that you mentioned “grim, grey, drab, and joyless,” is the kid with the glasses the same one who sang “Born to Die” in an earlier post (which of course I can’t find)? Looks a lot like him.
Well thanks Darrell, I loved it, loved it all! I wish I would have watched it earlier, it would have started my day off in a great fashion, but I was up early and out hunting.
So glad these younger ones are carrying on this ol’ style of Southern Gospel singing, (they really did a good job, just need to loosen up some) only thing I like better than Southern Gospel, is Bluegrass Gospel!
I have never seen so many people with such critical hearts. I have never head any of you say one good thing about a church or any kind of worship. Please tell us just what kind of church you go to, if any at all.
my old fundie church had indoor plumbing.
Mark… That was hilarious! So witty! I wasn’t expecting such a cunning “touché” so when I read it, it had me bursting! Very clever and amusing remark! I’m still wiping my tears! Thanks! 😯
~~~Heart 😆
I am not presently a churchgoer, but still have a soft spot for much about the church I used to attend:
They have a female Primate.
They have a gay Bishop.
They have a formal liturgy.
They really believe in that social gospel business.
In my parish, we have a female Deacon, our priest is lesbian, we also do the social gospel thing, and one of our most successful ministries is a weekly dinner we hold with another parish, for the ‘working girls’ on 82nd. There’s a hot dinner, some take-away stuff (granola bars and such), opportunity to clean up a bit, some toiletries if they need them, and a safe place and friendly faces and listening ears if they need to talk. We don’t preach, except in the sense that we are _doing_. St Francis said “Preach always. If necessary, use words.” Good words to live by.
Are you proud of female deacons and a lesbian Priest? or would that be priestess?
The reasoon I ask is because you seem to place some type of importance to it!
I do appreciate this ministry, and have always loved the quote from St Francis.
I greatly appreciate our female clergy. They’ve brought a great deal of nurturing and energy to our parish, and we are very glad to have them. I mentioned that our priest is lesbian largely because it speaks to me or the diversity of the church and the people in it, and the broadness of God’s love.
I’m proud to belong to a church that has women as ordained clergy.
Why waste the vocations of half of the people?
Some of these churches have roofs that don’t leak.
Refer to the week of Fundy Love. It was a couple years ago, but I really appreciated it.
My church preaches Christ on a weekly basis as they typically work their way through a book of the Bible.
I’ve looked though, and it seems to be one of the only churches in my region that is worth a damn. Most fundie, purpose driven, mainline & emergant churches are awful.
At :12-:14 it sounds like they sang “gonna kick my ass.” Wtf???
Figured it out: “keep my eyes”. There must be at least one or two southerners in the group with more of a country twang, where the words “eyes” and “ice” sometimes sound like “ass”. I, however, being of a purer mind think about a donkey when I misunderstand it. 😉
maybe that should be “sometime sound like….”
They were on key. It’s a start.
I don’t know what is worse, the grim, funeral quality of this song, or the plastic, teeth whitening smiles of the PCC Ensemble.
are these guys from HAC?
I don’t think so. There is usually a lot of fake energy coming from HAC types.
I remember when I was a fundie and remember telling people to fake it until you make it being happy. Its a struggle with fundies.
I’m so glad I’m in a church now where people enjoy singing, people are genuinely happy and not scared to death of the MOG.
Only made it 25 seconds in. I can’t even begin to imagine the kind of preaching that followed.
Darrel, You profess to be a christian and yet you mock other Christians? How is this web-site in anyway Christ-like? I guess if there is any comfort to the ones you mock on here i would say that it is that Jesus himself was mocked. Jesus was despised. Jesus was hated because of Gods word. Jesus said in John 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. 15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth : but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. 16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain : that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 17 These things I command you, that ye love one another. 18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 20 Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin. 23 He that hateth me hateth my Father also. 24 If I had not done among them the works which none other man did , they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. 25 But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law , They hated me without a cause. 26 But when the Comforter is come , whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: 27 And ye also shall bear witness , because ye have been with me from the beginning.
Doing a cut and paste on 6″ of text doesn’t really serve your argument without synthesis.
What Darrell does is rightly called criticism- which is not by definition only negative. Personally, I don’t think I’ve seen anything Darrell has said that is critical in a negative sense, and I don’t really see the point behind a blanket condemnation such as you’ve tossed out.
Liutgard… Very well stated! I’m standing right beside you!
~~~Heart ❗
Liutgard, Only the first questions were meant for Darrell, the rest, including the scripture, was meant for encouragement to some saint of God who may happen upon this site and find themselves the subject of his entertainment for the day. You call what Darrell does on this site “criticism that may or may not be negative”? The remarks are scathing and it’s clear his intentions are to deride, insult, and ridicule people. I call it being small-minded or being a simpleton. I like to laugh and cut up but not like this..peace out.
Love = exposing false gospels and false prophets in a winsome yet snarky way
Aw, shucks, no Bingo yet. Just a bunch of regurgitated Scripture. 🙁
Yeah, I was hopeful when I saw my name spelled wrong but alas.
So funny!
So typical!
And again…
…so funny!
~~~Heart 😛
I’ve never heard this song before; it seemed a little light and fluffy as fear as lyrics go, but the same could be said about many songs.
Interesting comments here.
Not your typical boy band. Kinda boring, if I’m being honest. What’s that on the wall behind them?
See the discussion above (starting with Strangely Warmed’s comment) on the wall graphic.
Aw, come on, guys. The theology doesn’t seem to be too bad, and though their stage presence is bad, the singing is great! Can’t we get a little love for the song itself?
Tice with a J,
Sure… If I close my eyes I can imagine the genuinously sanguine uplifting countenances of truly spirit-filled fellow Christians who are delivering a terrific song from the depths of their hearts, from their God-given voices, ringing out the joy of the Lord, as it should be…. But, it would be so much more enjoyable to be able to see all of this instead of trying to imagine it!
Wouldn’t you agree? I mean, when I go to a concert out in the world (gasp!) I expect a great performance in every aspect! How much the more for and from the children of God!? Come on now! 😉 I’d like to enjoy the full spectrum with eyes wide open!
They need to feel “allowed” to perform without guilt!
~~~Heart 😯
Very “Christian” of you to post video in order to mock and embarrass these guys. You’re such a manly man!