I have a small confession to make: I haven’t sponsored a child through World Vision. My financial reality right now is such that I simply can’t afford to promise more than I can pay. But instead I’ve given “such as I have” by taking all of my vacation hours from my day job to travel here and act as an ambassador for the children of Sri Lanka by taking their message to you. As blessed as I have been I would hardly call that a sacrifice; my cup runneth over. Perhaps you too are feelings some pangs of guilt because you cannot give or perhaps you are currently giving to some other great organization. If that’s your reality then let not your heart be troubled, God understands. But here’s something you can do even if you can’t send money and that’s to spread the stories of this trip to others who may have their hearts touched in turn and be in a better position to give. I understand that that given our background admitting to reading SFL is a bit of a sensitive topic for some folks so I’ve also posted all of the stories from this week over at WhereisDarrell.com so feel free to share that link on Facebook, Twitter, or your own blog. Just tell them that your friend Darrell has had an amazing week and he’d love to share it with them. If you are able to give yourself then share the story of your sponsored child with others to let them know what you’re doing and invite them to check out the child sponsorship programas well. If you sponsor a child do feel free to share what you’re doing here on SFL as well! I’d love to hear all about it.

Great job Darrell. Your posts have been a wonderful to read this week.
And oh yeah, first?
And no.
Great post, I always feel guilty when I hear the plea for “adopting” a child. Thanks for removing that.
I have to somewhat agree with SW on this. (thanks for the attempt at lifting the weight of guilt)
As wonderful, as touching, as inspiring, as inspirational as living the trip through Darrell’s eyes has been… there has also been that twinge of guilt that stabbs at the heart. Echos of all those “Faith Promise,” and “Missions Conference” sermons that haunt me. “Give Sacrificially, the Lord will bless you,” “Be like the Macedonians who gave out of their poverty…” the ghosts from sermons past still ring in my head.
I’ll admit that this week has been… well, painful. What’s more I know what has been shared is right and true and I would like to do something… but, well I’m not going to poor mouth on here. That feeling of the need to “do something” only induces more guilt in me, and superadds the guilt of hypocrisy. Knowing I should “do” something but because of circumstances both with-in and beyond my control… I can’t. So all the words that I type for others to read suddenly seem to be stained with my own hypocrisy. I feel like the Chief Pharisee. I condemn the cult I left only to find myself practicing some of the very things I condemn.
Where is the practical outworking of the Love of Christ in me? Where are my works for James to examine? As I asked earlier this week, To whom have I given even a cup of cold water?
Not only is it my pocketbook that is empty but my heart is very cold and empty as well. I find myself building my own bunker and not letting anyone in… and certainly not investing myself in anyone else for fear that I will once again be burned. So, I retreat to my keyboard and here in cyberspace I find my existence. Content to be the Levite or the Priest passing by on the other side of the road of life. That is no way to live. *sigh* And the guilt goes on.
Don, be comforted first.
God knows what we on this site have all been through. He knows the guilt.
And God is the answer to guilt. He is enough. He will clean and bind up the wounds from the past so they can heal. He knows that the person with a broken leg can’t run, no matter how much he would like to or how good an idea it is to run.
For now, be comforted by the good work Darrell and World Vision are doing. Rest in the God who does this good work. Don’t cheapen it by worrying that you can’t be a part of it right now. Have joy that it is being done.
Let the healing happen first. When God wants you involved, He will let you know. And it will be joy, not grief.
“He knows that the person with a broken leg canβt run, no matter how much he would like to or how good an idea it is to run.”
So well said Clara and so true!! I have been the person with a broken leg and God was ever kind, patient and has always waited ’til I was ready to begin the mending process.
Don, I hope Clara’s words encourage you! God knows your heart in and out and utterly loves it! I think so much that’s why He put Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 in the Bible. If this is your time to heal, rest in Him knowing He is not bound by time so there is no “rush” to “be a better person”. ((hugs))
Clara says: “God knows what we on this site have all been through. He knows the guilt.”
Do you mean to say that God reads SFL and my comments here?
Oh God! I’m going to have to clean up my act…
Clara, what a beautiful and grace-filled reply.
Dear Don:
For whatever it is worth, please bear this in mind:
In the midst of a controversy over ritual purity, Mark records that Jesus declared all foods to be clean [Mk 7:19]. Yet years later, Peter must hear this again in connection with Cornelius’ conversion. Peter slips into a trance and sees a descending sheet. It is filled with ‘unclean’ animals that he is told to eat. Peter resists and the vision recurs — not once, but twice [Act 10:10-16]. Only after seeing this three times is Peter ready to sit and eat at Cornelius’ table!
But when he went to Antioch, Peter caved to Jewish pressure. ‘He used to EAT with Gentiles,’ Paul wrote, ‘but then he began to withdraw and to stay aloof from them.’ Paul publicly withstood Peter, declaring that Cephas was clearly in the wrong [Gal 2:11-21].
This tells us two things:
1] You can be a lifetime throwing off the hold that false interpretations of Christian faith impose on hearts and minds.
2] Among those who struggle with this problem are those with genuine, Christian faith. You stand in good company, Don.
Age and health hinder travel for me; but I am active in working with refugees in my locality. And from recent posts on this board, I know that I am not alone. There is no end of justice issues needing redress. My suggestion? Find healing for your soul, and begin to cultivate the practice of seeing God’s image in the face of others — including aliens and America’s ‘enemies.’
The Lord bless and keep you, Don.
Christian Socialist
Thank you all for your words of encouragement.
It is a process, a journey (that is often hindered my my bullheadedness) and I can say with confidence “I’m not where I was, but I’ve not arrived yet either.” So, I appreciate it if ya’ll just let me walk awhile with you and let me lean on you all a little bit from time to time.
I’ll get by with a little help from my friends. π
Lean on. I have certainly leaned on your words at times during my journey. I hope I never say that I have arrived, or that I have ceased to move on. The day we decide we have arrived in our Christian walk is the day we set ourselves up for demigod failure. I believe we have seen that enough in the IFB world lately. A good example what NOT to do/be.
Of course, you know you just opened the door for demons with the last comment.
π π
4th again?!
Wow…do all the kids look at camera men like that? Either some of them are really upset or perhaps they know what their photos are being used for. β
The kids I took photos with in the most isolated places in Jamaica were all big smiles all the time…even though they had basically nothing.
My 5 year old just asked me why “those kids all look mad”. I told her it’s because the sun is in their eyes and they’re squinting.
That is what I thought too…Sun in their eyes. It never dawned on me to think they were mad. π
Thank you for posting an “alternative” link to share! I have no problem posting SFL on my Fbook, but I know many people just can’t yet. So, that is awesome!
I think Darell is a great example of someone who can’t monetarily afford to ‘do something.’ He found a way to ‘do something’ by giving of his vacation time. Everyone who’s been working long enough understands what a sacrifice that is.
This is a great example of being innovative and creative in living out your faith. He couldn’t afford the money so another way was found (or perhaps another way found him!)
That’s what I’ve been saying in the past couple of posts. Don’t let your lack of resources get in the way of doing what’s in your heart. Simply be creative and ‘do something’ in a different way!
Don shared in the comments above that he was feeling guilty because those old fundy screaming voices came back. I have to wonder though, Don, was it guilt you feel the strongest, or frustration at your inability to do something that you’d really like to do because of circumstances outside of your control? Judging by the tone of your post, I’d say the latter. That means you have a good heart.
All I’m saying (and I think Darrel is too), is don’t be guilted into thinking you aren’t doing God’s will simply because he hasn’t given you the resources to do something that has touched your heart. There are other ways to do God’s work besides throwing money at people. If you feel like you should do something (out of love not guilt), then find a way.
I just heard from world Vision that they are going to have a birthday party for my “adopted” girl Elizabeth. I have such joy to hear from her and to send her little gifts in the mail. We really can’t afford to sponsor a child, but i worked at our budget until I freed up the $35 a month. I think about her and her family every day.
I can’t have kids myself, so she is mine in my heart.
It has been interesting reading this week. I think I have new questions for missionaries that preach in our church.
Not sure we’re ready to sponsor yet, but it was nice getting an inside story.
Thank you, Darrell, for making me feel less guilty about being broke. I’m going to look into groups that accept smaller contributions monthly— possibly UNICEF’s Nothing But Nets, which distributes insecticide-treated mosquito nets in an effort to greatly reduce malaria in affected areas. I think I can manage $10 a month, which covers the purchase and distribution of one family-sized net.
Darrell, what a wonderful opportunity this week has been to stir up our love for one another. I have linked to your travels and World Vision support page here.
Thank you for taking the time to post about this trip. I pray that those who do have the financial means will support this project. You have been an excellent ambassador for them! God Bless You!
Aren’t I supposed to get some embroidered butt pillow for being first? These pews are hard.
Yes, you should! Our venerable pillow maker seems to be MISSING SERVICES lately, however. It seems that we need to make a call and share with her how CONCERNED we are that she has been forsaking this gathering of ourselves together!
I shared your other link on my FB wall. I’ve loved your posts, plus they have the added benefit of being very short and easy to read. π Thanks.
Thank you for sharing all these posts, Darrell! I’ve had spotty internet for a bit here, but whenever I can manage to get on (and connect a VPNβyou’re still blocked in the Worker’s Paradise!) I’ve appreciated your reports.
I was reading the comments here and wondering, too, if some rescued from Fundy cults also struggle with the poor example I’ve seen from fundies many times, where they will give to a missionary going far away, but do not take care of their responsibilities at home. They spend every night at the church for revival, but won’t spend a night at home playing with their children. They glorify people like Hudson Taylor, who for all I admire his amazing work in China (including getting foreigners out of their enclaves and into the communities, dressing and eating like the local people in order to befriend them), I have nothing but condemnation for the shameful way he failed to care for his family. He sacrificed the health, happiness and future of his wives and children for his work.
When I’m trying to figure out where to prioritize, I take the advice of William Jay (I think it was him!). He once wrote about Christians’ duties to the people God has put into their lives as a circle, ever expanding outward, with the highest duties owed to those closest in. Otherwise, a man could go mad thinking of all those outside his circle of knowledge and influence and his imagined duties to them, while neglecting family, neighbors, church family and friends. Of course, Jay lived a long time ago, before the internet brought so many more people into our circles! But I’ve still found the general principle useful. As one who believes the testimony of Scripture about the sovereignty of God, I see none of us reading or posting here by accident or chance, nor Darrell bringing these children to our attention by chance, either.