22 thoughts on “Repentance?”

  1. Does being a Christian mean never having to say you’re sorry?

    That’s not Biblical!

    Act 17:30 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent,

    Luk 13:3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.

    Act 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Act 3:19 Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out,

  2. @Chris I guess praising the KJV gets a special dispensation made from the “women silent in churches” bit.

  3. This is messed up on a lot of levels. First, he is preaching his message based on a “tract” someone else has written. And, secondly, “If you believe the King James Bible, say Amen” LOL. . .loved that line! Next, if he studied the Greek and Hebrew a bit, he would know the definition of what God “repenting” (relenting, showing compassion) means, and what man “repenting” means. God repented more times than men in the Bible???? Wow. . I mean, just wow. And, i love his line that “someone could have been saved, but now is going to hell because he read that tract and thought he couldn’t repent.”

    Obviously, God’s Holy Spirit does the work of turning someone’s life around. The same way God’s Holy Spirit does the work fo bringing someone to Christ.

    I mean, if you’re going to preach on repentance, begin with the text of the Bible and not some guy’s tract. Ugh.

  4. That’s a gem. I would call him and tell him to do a word study, but somehow I suspect that the original languages are off limits for him.

    “The prodigal son is not about salvation.” Really? Has he ever read Luke 15 all at one time and compared the parables?

    1. “The prodigal son is not about salvation” I think God can speak to different people in different ways through it. To me, the Prodigal son is about a SON, someone is part of God’s Family ie a Christian who goes his own way and ****s up his life. When he returns to his Father (God) the Father welcomes him home. For me that interpretation has a special resonnance for me because I was the Prodigal for many years. Note also that it wasn’t remorse that prompted him to return, but a rumbling hungry stomach… I think the remorse and repentance came later. Whatever his motivation he went Home, the Father welcomed him with open arms. And then there is the reaction of the Older Brother, who was also a Son…. sorry for rambling.

      1. I agree that his motives were certainly not completely pure in his return! He was HUNGRY! But I’m sure true repentance and sorrow for his foolish choices came in response to the glorious grace the Father showed in forgiving and accepting him. God isn’t the older brother, standing back with a bad attitude and begrudging everything that’s given to the prodigal. Nope, God’s throwing the party and rejoicing! Knowing how He rejoices over me makes me never, ever want to disappoint Him again. Romans 2:4 says, “God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.” His KINDNESS, not his cruelty.

        1. There are two books on the subject of the Prodigal Son which I would recommend. Both are by Jeff Lucas, an Englishman who now pastors a church somewhere is the US (N. Carolina?) One is called “Sweet and Sour Pork” and the other is “Will Your Prodigal Come Home?”. I have heard Jeff speak. He is a very Lively but thought-provoking speaker and his distinctive voice comes through in his writing as well. The best recommendation I can give for Jeff Lucas is that the Fundamentalists would probably hate his guts!!

  5. I like the fact that he’s willing to name names of other pastors and churches, but he wimps out when referencing someone who might sue his fundy butt (1:33).

  6. The reason the “repent” argument died out is because it was a stupid argument with no support against to begin with, even in the KJV, and everyone realized it except this guy. That train left the station a looooooong time ago.

    Still, I will admit that based just on the tract’s definition of “repent” there could be some confusion. Maybe. Just to hear that I don’t know how many people would actually think they have to clean up their life before getting saved. The popular image of “repenting” is to feel sorry to some emotional degree about all the bad things you’ve done, but not necessarily cease and desist right then and there.

    Have you ever wasted five minutes talking about a subtle twist of meaning that would confuse probably only a fractional percentage of the population? Then you may be a Fundy.

  7. Out of the mouth the heart speaketh. Those who don’t agree that repentance is required for true saving faith are folks who don’t want to give up their sins. They want a Saviour from hell, but not a Lord of their life. They want to keep self on the throne. They are not interested in becoming poor in spirit (Matt. 5) This guy does not have a clue what repentance truly means, because he is not interested in giving up his sins.
    I was just like him until about 4 years ago. I prayed the “sinners prayer” as a teenager, admiting I was sinner. My heart though was full of pride. I clearly remember thinking to myself, I wasn’t giving my life over to Christ. I wanted a Saviour from hell, BUT not a Lord of my life. I wanted my sins I just didn’t want to go to hell.
    4 years ago the Lord got a hold of me and brought me to repentance. I gave Him my whole life, holding nothing back. My heart cried out for Him. I was and still am sick of my sin and the sin of the world. I came to Him as a spiritual beggar in need of His free gift of salvation. I still struggle with sin in my life, but I long to be free from it. The Holy Spirit is transforming me, but that is a life long transformation. I no longer follow the endless list of do’s and dont’s to look good on the outside but am full of dead man’s bones on the inside. (Matt. 23)
    I’ve been where he and others like him are. Praise God I no longer am! I wish he could understand how foolish he sounds.

    1. Sandra there are parts of your story which echo mine. I suppose I spend the first half of my Christian life as the Older Brother, but harder and prouder. Then I got hurt as a Christian (long story) and abandoned my faith and went off into The Far Country, where I effed up my life so badly I almost killed myself on several occasions. It was on the long journey Back Home that I learned something about the Grace of God. I’m still learning about it. I always will.

  8. Darrell, you must be a former fundy. Here’s the proof: you misspelled repentance (in your post title). Now I need to start checking the grammar of your posts too….. LOL.

  9. These are the guys who really give Texans a bad name. And who are driving Texans like me out of Texas.

  10. I have to ask. You don’t like alliterative sermons or coming up with one would require too much study?

  11. I can’t really understand what he is trying to say. He obviously does not believe in repentance, but on the other hand he criticizes his fellow fundamentalists for not living a life of repentance… “Bless gawd, now the same crowd…everybody is running around with one another.” He needs to get out of the pulpit, get a real job and let God teach him something before he tries to teach others what he himself has no idea what he is talking about.

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